Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March 2, 2016

Two and a Half Hours
At the Doctor's Office
March 2, 2016

Last week, I forgot to mention that on Wednesday (the day we were leaving for San Antonio), I went to the doctor.  I had been having a lot of pain in the index finger of my right hand.  That day it was very bad.  The Nurse Practitioner saw me and said she didn't think it was serious but wanted to run blood work.  So I was to come back in a week for the results.  Today was the day to go back.  All the test results were fine - all totally normal.  The pain was less, but still there and certain movements really cause it to hurt.

Today she had x-rays done, but said all looked to be fine, but she was going to send them to the radiologist to have them read and I am to come back in another week.  Today's appointment was at 8:30 and it was 11:00 when I got out of there.  What a shame.

On my way to the office I stopped to get gas.  I had not noticed that the price had jumped 10 cents a gallon!  Yikes!

Once I got to the office, Ron left on a couple of jobs.  I worked on some of the financial chores and had several things to sort.   At the end of the work day, I went by Mom's house; when I went on Monday I had forgotten to pick up our mail that my sister had collected for us.  Mom was sleeping and I just had a few minutes to visit, so I let her sleep.

Once I got home, I fixed supper and Ron came in about the time it was ready.  I spent the evening working on the flip flop quilt and have finished the machine quilting on it.  I did it myself on my sewing machine.  It is far from perfect, but it will be fine.  I still need to do the binding and add some buttons on the front.  This will be a wall hanging.

Yesterday, Dolores had picked up a quilt to do the machine quilting on it for me.  She brought it after I left yesterday.  So right now I have 6 quilts just waiting for the binding.  Progress!

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