Wednesday, March 16, 2016

March 16, 2016

Ugh...I Have a Terrible Cold
March 16, 2016

When they pack into the flat feeder like this I can't
 help but think "...4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie..."
Yesterday at the office, I was sneezing a little more than usual.  It was very windy and it could have been pollen that added to my problem, but by the time I was driving home, I was sneezing over and over.  I must have sneezed at least 100 times on my way home.
Great Kiskadee was back for more nesting materials.
At home, I relaxed some and did a couple of things, but was pretty sure what I had was turning into a cold or was a combination cold and allergies.  At bed time I started sneezing and coughing non-stop.  By my suggestion, Ron was trying to stay in the other end of the house.  I coughed with no more than 5 - 10 second breaks almost all night.  It was after 5:30 this morning before I was able to get to sleep, so that meant I got less than 2 hours sleep last night.  I told Ron I would not be at the office today.  He had some jobs planned, but it could not be helped.
My plant may fall out if he keeps pulling the basket liner out for the nest
For years I have had more than my share of headaches.  I have assumed they were all allergy related, but finally I had a medical person who was listening to me.  She booked a CT scan for this morning.   I actually decided it was good timing so they could see if it is the sinus cavities that are the problem (she didn't think so). 

The appointment was for 10:30 and I did not see any way that I could be still during the scan with the constant coughing.  As the technician started, I was praying I would be able to be still and we could get it done and out of the way.  God answered that prayer.  I did not cough one time during the test, but started coughing again when I went to the waiting room. 
 They are not good about sharing
Of course these technicians never give you any hint as to what they saw, but he did comment, "I will have the same man read it who has read your other tests and see what he says about the sinuses."  Sounds to me like he thinks that is the problem.  He said it would be a week before the doctor's office has the results.

I decided to stop at Walgreen's for milk and bread and a couple of  over the counter medications, on the way home.  As I started to the front to check out, I could tell my nose was starting to run and although I had used all the Kleenex from my purse, I found a napkin.  It turned out to be a terrible nose bleed, not just a runny nose.  I left my basket near the checkout counter (no clerk was there) and went to the car and went through about 1/2 a box of Kleenex.  Finally I gave up on it stopping, so I got some Kleenex and went back in to tell the checker to put the milk back in the counter.

When I got inside, my basket was gone.  The checker saw me looking and I asked if he knew where it went; he said he had put the things away.  I said that was fine; I would come back later.  Naturally when I got back to the car, the nose bleed had almost stopped.  I knew I would not leave the house the rest of the day, so I went back in and he had the medications at the checkout counter so all I had to get was milk and bread.  I checked out quickly and headed home.  The nose bleed was back flowing before I got home.

I spent the afternoon in the recliner doing nothing except a little reading.  I did enjoy watching the Red-winged Blackbirds and went out at one point to get photos of the amaryllis blooms and to fill the fountains.  I napped a little from 5:30 till 6:30.  Ron didn't get home until 7:30.  I fixed myself some pudding for supper and again returned to the recliner. 

It is a real shame that I had a day off and didn't get to spend it sewing.  I kept being afraid that if I tried, I would end up bleeding on the quilt.  Our daughter-in-law was going to be in town with the grandchildren today and I hated to miss them, but they sure don't need to pass my cold around.  Please pray that tomorrow is a better day.  My ribs are very sore from all the coughing. 

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