Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 18, 2015

A Meatloaf Marathon
July 18, 2015

This is another late blog.  It is being written Sunday morning, because I was too sleepy Saturday night to get it done. 

Ron teaches (he likes to say "referees") a Sunday School/Bible Study class on Sunday mornings of adults that range in ages from their 40s to their 80s, with an occasional one on either end of that range.  Many of us have been together in that class for 35+ years.  We love the Lord and the study of His Word.  We love and care for each other, and we have fun together.  We also have a great team in charge of our socials.

Last night we had all been invited to a Meatloaf Marathon.  We did not have to bring anything; we just showed up hungry and ready to have a great evening.  Those in charge had prepared 5 different meatloaf recipes and when we were called to the table, there were saucers on each plate with 5 cubes of meatloaf, identified by different colored picks.  We were to drink water before we taste tested each one and report our opinions on a small score card.

The decorations were bright and cheery and beach themed, which is perfect for our area.  There were jelly beans of the colors to go with the decorations scattered across the table (the south end of the table was clear of any jelly beans when we left; this is not where I ate, but I did help with some as we later sat and visited).

We taste tested our bites of meatloaf and then filled out and turned in our score cards before filling our plates with our favorite meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, carrots, and rolls.  Last place went to a recipe by well known chef Bobby Flaye; and first place went to one by the Pioneer Woman.  There is no truth to the rumor that that choice had to do with the fact that we are all old enough to have eaten Pioneer recipes.  Naomi Judd's fell somewhere in the middle.

It was a fun time and the judging gave me an opening in how to start conversation with the couple next to me who are the newest additions to our class.  I asked what the lady puts in her meatloaf; who does the cooking in their home; and on and on.  It was good to get to know them better.  There were between 35 and 40 in attendance at the party.

The rest of the day was filled.  I got up before 6:00 and started doing laundry and doing general pick-up.  When I had loaned my car to the lady I backed into at the Little League game (while hers was being fixed), I had taken everything out of mine and not all of it has been returned to the car.  I sorted a lot of that yesterday and have one more bag to sort.  At 9:00, I picked up Mom and Carmen and came home to get Carmen started on the cleaning while I took Mom with me so we could both do our grocery shopping.  When we finished, I took Mom home and unloaded her groceries before bringing mine home to unload and put away.

Carmen made a lot of progress in cleaning and I was going through some quilt tops I have ready to be quilted.  The lady who machine quilted the last one for me is ready to do another one this week, so I am trying to decide which one to have done. 

After I took Carmen home, I came back to the same project - select a quilt.  Can't decide.  This afternoon I must finish that and have the top, batting and backing ready to give to her.  It will be so good to start getting some of these done.

I needed to work in the yard, but did not want to have to get cleaned up before the party.  Ron worked in the yard much of the afternoon and very sweetly mowed the backyard so I didn't have to.  I really appreciated that.  I need to do trimming out there.  The shrubs by the back door are going to block our way in and out soon.  All the rains this year have been so good for the plants.

As for my hearing Saturday, I did fine until the party.  At the table the noise was overwhelming.  The lady next to me was on the wrong side of me for good hearing, so I would have to turn sideways to carry on a conversation with her.  She had to repeat some things.  Maybe it was many things.  Later, after people started leaving, I moved to the end of the table (the south end that ran out of jelly beans) and it was better there; of course many had already left, so that helped the hearing.  Just after we got there I sat down by a lady who was a guest of one of the class members and talked to her for a while.  She is new to the group.

It was a good day, and I took time to read for a while and make a dessert for us to have on hand.  I put away a project I had recently started and think I will try some different colors on that pattern.  So many ideas; so little time!

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