Morning at Marine Military Academy
July 25, 2015
We were up early. Ron woke me to take my anti-histamine at 5:00 and we both went back to sleep after that. At 6:00 we got up so I could take my allergy shots. He went back to sleep, but I didn't. I worked around the house some and then got my shower and went to get Carmen at 7:45. She came to clean my house and Ron and I left a few minutes later to go to Harlingen for the Graduation Ceremony for the young men who had spent the last four weeks attending camp at Marine Military Academy.
These two brothers missed each other.
One of our grandsons had attended this camp. He had worked hard the last few months, doing his school work and working as a janitor at the church school to earn money to attend the camp. It is an intensive boot camp with a lot of emphasis on working as a team, and improving yourself. He had a great time and worked hard. There were campers there from all over the world. Most of those from out of the U.S.A. were in special units with others who spoke the same language.
Saying good-bye to new friends
The ceremonies started on the drill field in front of the Iwo Jima Memorial and at 9:00 they marched to the area between the barracks for Graduation. Our Grandson was in Company D and they had earned the award for the best drilling company. I noticed that their marching was superior to the others. So I was glad to know it wasn't just me being partial to our grandson's unit.
His baby sister was waving to him
It was HOT. There was a breeze and that was nice. D Company was in the shade most of the time for the graduation ceremony; at least the families were in the shade, but not the guys. You could tell our grandson was happy. He had a good time at camp and spent much time telling new friends goodbye, after they were dismissed. It was a great experience for him and I glad he got to attend.
More good-byes
After we left there, we headed to Cracker Barrel to shop, then Ron took me to the quilt shop that was closing, but they have already closed, gone out of business. I will miss them. We stopped at Longhorn Cattle Company to pick up lunch on our way home.
Something I mentioned on Facebook, but not on here, is that our grandson was able to earn a Boy Scout badge for attending the summer camp. He is close to earning his Eagle Scout award and hopes to finish that this fall. He can be a very hard worker and I know this camp pushed the limits of that.
As soon as we got home, I took Carmen to her sister's as she requested. They were going to visit. Her sister lives very close to me so it took about 5 minutes to take her instead of 30 minutes to take her to Mom's. Back at the house, I posted some photos from this morning and then spent time working in the sewing room before finishing the blog for yesterday.

Ron worked in the yard for a while and is trying to replace the pump on one of the fountains. The birds are missing their showering birdbath and will be delighted and cooled when he finishes. My afternoon and evening was spent in the sewing room sorting and cleaning. I have gotten project boxes for the many assorted incomplete projects I have in progress. I am checking to be sure all the parts to a project are in one spot. I put one of those projects on the design wall and have been looking for a few additional small pieces to finish it. I think I have now found the things I needed and I think it would be wonderful if I could complete this quilt top this weekend.

As for my hearing, when we were outside in front of the barracks, I was not able to hear the man in charge, but Iused the remote control to adjust the sound processor and take it to the maximum size circle and the maximum volume and actually heard him pretty well. I was on the setting that takes down the background noise. But it was a challenge and in the car, hearing is hard with road noise.
But, I must say, it was a very nice day. We had time with family while my house keeper cleaned my house, I had time in my sewing room, and Ron got some things done in the yard. Yes, it was a very good day!