Saturday, March 7, 2015

March 7, 2015

Spring Planting
March 7, 2015

Male Golden Fronted Woodpecker
Today I wanted to get some plants in the log planters Ron fixed for me a few months ago.  The only other time I have had that I could have done anything about them was just before we went to Dallas and I knew no one would take care of them while we were gone for 5 days.  This morning I got up about 6:30 and did a few chores around the house before picking up Carmen at Mom's house.  Mom had decided to stay home and work on her taxes.
Male Golden Fronted Woodpecker
On the way back, Carmen and I went to Home Depot for Mom since she needed some a/c filters.  I wanted some potting soil and plants.  We got some of each.  Once we got home Carmen started cleaning and I started unloading my purchases.  Then I spent a couple of hours in the yard, trimming some Boston fern plants that have over grown their pots.  I filled feeders and did a variety of other jobs in the yard.  Oh, I added a bag of soil to one of the flower beds I put in last year.
Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks playing King of the Mountain on the new piece of driftwood. 
Later I came back in the house and got three rows of quilt blocks sewn together.  I worked on some other things in the sewing room and relaxed a bit.  Ron got home and before long I needed to take Carmen back to Mom's.  Barb was to bring the two oldest girls over to spend the afternoon and night but they were delayed at the Music Festival and did not arrive until a little after 2:00.  The younger of the two (10 years old) headed straight to the sewing machine and quickly had it humming.  The other one debated a while about what she wanted to do, so she and I went out in the yard and spent an hour and a half or more working on the plants I had bought earlier in the day.
One of the planters we worked on
My granddaughter and I were planting Snap Dragons and Petunias.  We did 4 of the log planters and then I did two hanging baskets as well as the little red truck in the photo above.  Our little seamstress joined us and helped me on the hanging baskets.  It was a nice day to be outside and we had a good time working together.
Planting Snap Dragons in the log planter
Once we got back inside, the older of the girls made two little pillows for her two younger brothers.  She did a fine job on them.  Her sister continued work on a doll quilt for their little sister and it looks great and she had a good time.  She does not do it the way I would be she loves doing it and gets so excited with each new idea she has.  I am so impressed. 
Working on one of the hanging baskets
We needed more poly filling for the pillows and so the younger of the girls went with me to Wal-Mart and after getting the filling (which turned out to be a very poor quality) and a few groceries, we went to Kentucky Fried Chicken and picked up some supper.  Seamstresses can't be bothered to cook!
Working on a pillow after her sister made 2 of them
We had seen a posting on Facebook about making some little chicken coops with the little marshmallow Easter chicks (Peeps) so we tried that after supper and even got Ron to try his hand at it.  Of course his was perfect.
 Our Easter Peeps in their little houses
The girls returned to the sewing machines and I spent the next two hours trying to get them to bed since it is time change weekend.  We are going to be a sleepy bunch in the morning since they are in bed but still wide awake!

 Ron showing us how it is done
 At KFC my granddaughter had to tell me what the clerk was asking (do you want plates?).  I could not hear him well enough to venture a guess as to what he was asking.  Actually I did venture a guess but was way off.  
One of the pillows that was made

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