Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014

A New Visitor at the Bird Feeder
November 14, 2014

A few days ago, Ron said that not all the little birds under the feeders, picking up the dropped seeds, were sparrows.  I did not spot any at the time that weren't sparrows, but this morning I saw this one.  It was not so much the coloring but the attitude of the bird that caught my attention.  It was very aggressive toward the others and would not share!  I am not sure what it is.  Any guesses?

Ron and I have both been tired this week after the wedding festivities as well as the long drive both ways.  Ron did all the driving and I really appreciated that, but by the time we got home Sunday night, he had a bad headache that lingered for a couple of days.  He has slept as much as he can this week - mostly in the mornings when I am trying to get him out the door to work!

So many things at the office have been set aside the last 6 weeks, if they did not have to be done.  Now the time has come that they really need my attention.  I am missing some papers that it would be very helpful to have.  They have some information jotted down on them that would be useful.  I finally got the information mailed to the accountant today.

 I had been running behind on my reports, but then when my printer stopped working, that meant I couldn't print out the things to mail to the accountant.  Ron took the printer from home and got it working on my computer at the office so I could do the reports.  This afternoon I tried printing photos on it and it did a great job on them so I printed out a batch from the wedding.  Tonight I worked on putting some of them into a frame, but it needs 3 more printed out so I can finish.  I hope to do that tomorrow. 
Today I waited on more customers than usual.  I did well with all except one young lady who spoke so softly I thought for a minute that my battery had gone dead.  I don't know how her friends and family cope with her very soft voice! 

It is very cold here for this time of the year.  It was 39 degrees last night and it was windy and wet.  When I got up this morning, the wind chill factor was 25.  Brrrr....  Ron does not cope well with the cold.  I love it.  I finally asked him tonight if he wanted to turn on the heat.  He quickly responded with, "Yes!"  Being the first time it is used this season, I told him to turn it on early so we could be sure it was working well before we go to sleep.  The first time it is turned on, it always gets me to sneezing and tonight is no different.

Went by Mom's on my way home and then worked in the kitchen for a while cleaning.  I unpacked a few more boxes of decorations from the Rehearsal Dinner and put away the big spring bouquet from the dining table and put out a fall arrangement.  It is about time!  Still have a lot of repacking and storing of things to do. 

Stay warm! 

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