Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 8, 2015

Thursday and Supper with Friends
October 8, 2015

As you can tell, I am still catching up on the blogs due to our trip to New Mexico.  There was not time to do them while we were gone and so I did those when I first got home, ignoring the passing days back at home.  I will continue with a few more photos from the Balloon Fiesta.  They were so great!

Thursday was a good day.  I finally got the statements to our customers in the mail and although I still have work to do for the monthly reports, I am catching up some each day.  Right now I am waiting for the bank statement.

Ron was out of the office on jobs much of the day and I stayed on my feet most of the time he was out.  I was very busy with customers and that is always good for the business.

 I did not take a lunch to the office, expecting to be able to go pick something up to eat.  I did get to go about 2:00 to grab a burger.  At home the cupboard has been rather empty all week since I have not gotten to the grocery store. 

We were set up to meet our friends for supper at the usual time and place.  As we left the house to meet them they called and said that our usual place had new hours and would not longer be open in the evenings - only breakfast and lunch.  I understand that since we were often the only evening customers in the place, but it sure was nice to have a quiet place to eat that was affordable.  We met at a place down the street from our regular spot.  The food was OK, but it was noisy even though they were not crowded.

Next week we may try a place that we had gone for years, but gave up on when the waitresses were unable to help us and the food had good days and bad days.  We understand they are under new management, so we are hoping for improved food and service and the place.  It is convenient to our office and our friends' home. 

It was good to catch up with them as to what we had missed being out of town and to share our adventures with them.  It was a good evening.

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