Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 3, 2015

Another Sunday Snooze
May 3, 2015

Today was another beautiful day.  We were up early so I could do my allergy shots.  Ron went back to bed and slept another 1 1/2 hours.  I am not supposed to sleep after the shots for 3 hours but sometimes that is really hard.  While passing the time, I got out the next quilt project that is already in process.  I have it on the design wall and need to make about 3 more pieces and then should be ready to put start sewing the rows together tonight. 

We were a little late for our Sunday School class due to the timing on my shots.  Everyone seemed to be running late to class and later for church.  So often at the start of our Sunday services, there is a very sparse crowd, but by the time the sermon starts there is a good crowd.  One of the grandchildren was sick so our daughter-in-law had stayed home with him.  One of the girls and one of the boys sat with me in church.  Ron normally helps in the vestibule.  It was a good sermon and good music.

We came home after the service and I had a ham in the oven for lunch, but I decided I wanted it to bake a little while longer so we went to order our replacement dishwasher.  I have told you some of the story of the shopping.  Another chapter to the saga played out today.  We went to the store where the lady sales clerk had encouraged to wait for their sale to buy the dishwasher.  Their sale price was not as good as the price had been at the other store two weeks ago.  I was very frustrated with the lady. 

I told Ron that I wanted to go check at the other store and told the clerk we might be back but I wasn't sure.  At the other store, they have a policy to match the competitor's price plus an additional 10% off if the competitor's price is advertised and that the competitor has it in stock.  They checked and so I ended up with 10% off from the price the first place offered by buying it at the second place. 

While doing all the paperwork on the dishwasher purchase, we talked to a young man who was waiting on us.  It turned out is wife is in the Navy and we had such an interesting talking to him about his life and hers as she serves our country.  Members of our military and their families are the best!  America is so blessed by those who are willing to serve to keep us free and their families give up so much while their loved one is away.

When we got back home, we had lunch and the ham was perfect.  We had a relaxing lunch and then I ended up going to sleep again and sleeping the afternoon away.  Grrr...  After just a light supper I talked to our daughter -in-law in New Mexico for a while.  She is taking a quilt class and is doing so well with it.  I am so proud of her.

As for my hearing today, my biggest problem on Sundays is that if I am using the cable on the Cochlear Sound  Processor hooked up to the transistor radio on the church frequency, when I am using that, I can't carry on a conversation with someone.  All I am hearing is what is coming over the speakers.  So when we have a greeting time, I can't hear anyone.  Today I unhooked the cable and talked to a friend and greeted several others, but that is a nuisance.  I wish there was a toggle switch so I could switch back and forth. 

Also at one point this morning they were honoring a young man in the church school for a high honor he had received and he happens to run the sound system.  While he was away from the sound board, it acted up with loud screeches and that really about blasted me out of the room!  Wow!  I turned it off as quickly as I could.  It just showed how much we need him on the sound board.

This Lord's Day was a very good day.  I will probably not be able to sleep for a while, so I hope to get some work done on the quilt.  The photos in today's blog are parts of the quilt, but I won't show it all to you yet.  It is a surprise gift for someone.  I guess you can guess the theme.