Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September 23, 2015

A Quick Visit with the Grandkids -
Well, Six of Them Anyway
September 23, 2015

Ron let me sleep a little late and that was nice, except I needed to be at the office.  When I arrived, he had locked up and put up a sign "Back in 1 Hour".  He had a job that he had to go do and left before I got there.

It was a good day.  I got a lot of things done that I needed to do.  I paid a few bills and sewed some.  I took care of stocking some merchandise and let Ron know of some things we need so he can place an order.

Our granddaughter started texting me while I was having lunch to say they were in town and she really missed me.  Ahhhh...  I miss all of them - the ones in McAllen and the ones in San Antonio.  They are all too far away.

I thought Ron was going to be out of the office during the afternoon, but it turned out he was in the office working on things for a job he is doing tomorrow.  So when our daughter-in-law let me know she and the children would be at my mom's house for a while, I went over there to see them. 

They had been busy all day.  They went to the dentist and they got haircuts.  They had family to visit and they needed to be back in McAllen in time for ballet class and church activities.  While the boys were getting haircuts, one of the people there offered to braid the hair of the oldest girl.  I loved the look.

The children quickly got out the toys to play with and the crayola markers to draw on Grandma's sliding patio doors.  They love to decorate them while they are there and after a few days it gets cleaned off for their next visit. 

I returned to the office and finished the sewing I was doing and then at a little before closing I left to go to the post office and then to pick up a loaf of bread.  The utility bill needed to be paid and when I drove up, no one was in line.  The guard was standing around and I told him I had never seen it empty.  He laughed and said it is worse some days than others. 

Once I got home, it was time to take care of things in the yard.  The prediction was for rain today, but it didn't happen and some things needed to be watered.  Inside, I fixed my supper (Ron stayed late to work on the things for his job tomorrow).  Then I read for a little bit before starting on sewing again.  I finished the project in progress.  Time to either start a new one or work on one of the many "in progress projects" I have on the shelves of the quilt room.

Any day I see grandchildren is a good day!  The oldest had gone with his dad to San Antonio on a business trip. 

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