Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 14, 2015

Quilt Group Gathering
April 14, 2015

This was early afternoon.  Dark clouds grew darker in the south, but only spread a little rain.  There was some lightening and thunder.

There was actually some sunshine this morning for a change.  By the time I was getting ready to leave for work, the winds had picked up and the sky had gotten dark.  I went to the office a little after 10:00.  I had done some housework before leaving.  Once at the office, Ron was trying to get things ready for a job.  I went to the bank to make a deposit and then waited on customers so Ron could finish his work.  After I had eaten my lunch, he left to go do a couple of jobs, and was gone until almost 5:00.

While Ron was gone in the afternoon, I did some sewing and waited on customers.  I worked on some small quilt squares and got four completed.  All of these have cupcakes in the center of the blocks and I am trying to stay with pinks and purples in the outer square. 

I mostly had customers who were running in to get what they needed to beat the rains that never really developed.  We got some, but it did little more than get the streets wet.  It did keep things cooler than yesterday.

Just before closing time, I came home and made a sandwich to eat while I filled the dishwasher. I did a load in the clothes washer of new fabric that I needed to prepare for the backing on two quilt tops that I am going to take to the quilter at Picket Fence.  I took some flower photos and checked on things in the yard.  I think the hibiscus are about to say, "Enough is enough on the rain!"  They are growing well, but some of the flowers petals are malformed.  I am guessing the constantly wet flower beds are a factor.

Our quilt group was small in numbers tonight but we had a good time.  There were four plus me.  We were honoring Carmen (our newest member and Mom's helper) on her recent birthday.  She is learning to quilt and has a small wall hanging well under way and a patchwork top laid out and about 1/2 sewn.  She is enjoying the process and leaning a lot along the way.  It is always fun to see someone new fall in love with the quilts and the process of making them.

When the quilt group is small, I can hear so much better.  I still asked for several things to be repeated.  It seemed like I would get all be the last word or two of a sentence.  I did fine with customers.  In fact when Ron isn't in the office where there may be two conversations going on at the same time, I do better.  Sometimes there will  be just one word I can't understand.

A couple of kinds of the caladiums have come up from last year.  I didn't notice them until this afternoon.  This one was my favorite from last year.

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