Another Fantastic Evening
January 29, 2015
There was very little eventful about my day until the evening. I got up very early (a little before 6:00) and finished the blog from yesterday. Then I made Ron's coffee and got him up. I went to the office a little before 10:00. At the office Ron was working on locks for several customers most of the day, so he was in the office, but needed me to wait on customers as much as possible.
I paid some bills and continued the cleaning work on my office and my desk particularly. Much of the day I had a headache, so really didn't feel too ambitious. Late in the day I left the office to pick up some French bread for supper at Jeff and Barb's. From the grocery store I went to pick up Mom and Carmen to go to Jeff's.
The younger children were playing in the yard and the street. I stayed outside, took photos, and chatted with them. Then when it was time for the sunset we walked down the street to what I thought would be a better viewing spot, but it wasn't really a good spot after all. The kids had gotten out their riding toys for the trek down the street.
All this activity kept them out of their mom's way while she fixed lasagna for supper. I took the photo of the moon (at the top of the page) just before we went to look at the sunset. I know the background looks dark, but it was not yet dark. The kids played ball for a while, just bouncing a large ball back and forth to each other.
As I have mentioned, a lot of the trees have lost most of their leaves and I noticed as I walked around Jeff's yard, that there are a lot of hidden
Hot Wheels cars. They have a lot of them that they use on the driveway for playing and racing.
We enjoyed visiting and eating together. The children watched a movie and the adults got to have a conversation; that worked better for my hearing. My son and daughter-in-law try to help in any way they can with my hearing needs, also reminding the children to slow down and speak up when talking to me. My family helps in many ways and that is so important to anyone with even partial hearing loss.

It is hard enough being isolated by the hearing loss, but then when the ones you love the most, don't put out an effort, it hurts that much more. Today, I had two customers who brought that concept to mind. One is a man I have known a little for several years. He lost the hearing in one ear as an infant and probably the years around the noisy machines in his work caused damaged the other ear. I asked if his wife understands and he just rolled his eyes, teared up and said no. I mentioned not being able to determine what direction a sound is coming from when you only hear out of one ear and he looked shocked and said he didn't know that was why he couldn't tell where a person is, who is talking to him out of his sight.
You need both ears to determine direction of sound. God gave us two ears for a reason - not just to hold our glasses on our faces.
I told the man about a couple who had come in recently just to ask about my Cochlear Implant and that as I talked to them, I could see on the wife's face that she had not understood her husband's limitations. She was very sorry she had not been more helpful. Sometimes we just don't explain it to our spouse, sometimes we laugh off our limitations, and then, so do they. Sometimes we just won't admit how bad it is, not wanting to be a complainer. This man can not afford the surgery but will soon reach Medicare age and hopes that he can have something done at that time. He may need another type surgery because his original loss is a different type and that ear may not be able to be helped. Hopefully the other ear can be helped.
The second customer who brought it to mind was more in a negative way. He has a rather booming voice when I encounter him other places, but across the sale's counter, he lowers his voice (I guess to keep the conversation a little private) and I can not understand him. Ron had called me to come from my office to help this man because he was helping a couple of other men. I guess this man (a friend) thought since the others were being rather loud, he would bring the noise level down by speaking more softly. Whatever his reason, I knew I could not understand what he wanted to order. Thankfully, Ron finished with his customers and I was able to turn it over to him. The same thing happened when the man returned to pick up his items. I had Ron take over as quickly as I could.

After a nice visit with Jeff's family, I took Mom and Carmen home and by the time I got home it was after 9:30. I had stopped for gas on the way home and then my daughter-in-law called from New Mexico and we talked as I finished the drive home and for a while after I arrived. Spending time with family - in person or on the phone - makes for a good day.