Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 27, 2015

Another Busy Day,
But I Got a Nap!
June 27, 2015

Image result for journey off the map
Vacation Bible School starts tomorrow evening
 at First Baptist Church, Brownsville

Today was a real contrast to the last two days.  The chatter and activity of 7 children during the previous two days made today a quiet day, but it was still very busy.  Ron woke me at 6:00 for my allergy shots.  He had been asleep when I got home last night and I woke him just to tell him I was home, so we had not had time to chat.  After my shots, we talked for a while before he left for the morning.  I was trying to finish the blog I had started last night, but even this morning, I woke to find my head on the computer desk after a 45 minute nap.

I had to hurry to be ready for a doctor appointment.  This one was to get the results of some of the tests done for my annual physical.  The results were fine.  I also needed a prescription renewal.  Today I saw a new doctor to me.  He says he helps out every other Saturday.  He was a VERY nice man and I was pleased that he pulled his chair up close to me so I could hear him.  He walked in after going over my records and did not have a laptop that he was looking at the whole time.  He looked at me and asked me about several things rather than just looking at a computer screen.  Nice man.  He had a couple of suggestions and it was a good visit.

From there I went to the grocery store.  I needed to restock my pantry and prepare for the visit of some grandchildren this coming week.  At this point I am not sure of their schedule.  They will go to Vacation Bible School each evening.  I mentioned to the doctor that I would have several of them this week so they could attend VBS with their friends here and he said he had fond memories of VBS from his growing up years.  No wonder he is a nice man.
What an amazing bunch of artistically talented workers we have 
at our church.  More photos of their hard work tomorrow.*
On the way home I picked up some brunch since I had not had breakfast or lunch and it was almost 1:00.  At home I quickly unloaded my purchases, put away the cold things and went to Mom's to pick up Carmen to help me for the afternoon.  She worked her wonders on my house and I did a little bit before taking a nap.  I woke feeling great and took her back to Mom's before long.  I had to stop and get gas.  I have been driving Mom's car for a few days and the gas tank on it is much smaller than on my car.

Ron had spent the afternoon working in the yard and was exhausted.  Oh, he installed a new light fixture in the bathroom I use, while I was gone. The fixture that was there was not bright enough for me and really was delighted to have that treat when I got home last night.

*Photo of tree house from our church borrowed from a Facebook posting by Debbie Hollingsworth Robertson, Director of our VBS.

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