Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15, 2015

My Cochlear Implant and a Noisy Supper
June 15, 2015

My morning was mostly spent at the allergist's office.  I had a 9:30 appointment and it was well after 10:00 before I was called in.  Then it took  a while to get the shots and the new serum for the next month.  This time the allergist gave me the shots and the one for molds reacted with some hives and itching.  It was not too bad - mostly just around the injection site, but it is the first time I have had a real reaction to the shots.

Leaving the allergist's office, I stopped to get some chicken strips for my lunch and enough to have some for tomorrow's lunch at the office also.  Ron was going to be out all day today and probably much of tomorrow on the job in Harlingen he is working on.

The afternoon at the office was very slow and quiet.  I did some sewing and paid some bills.  Tomorrow I hope to get some filing done.  It is really stacking up.  Usually our grandson would do that but he has not been at the office lately.

I got four of the string pieced quilt blocks made at the office and another two made at home this evening.  I am now up to 84 of the squares completed.  I am enjoying them more and more!  They could become addictive.  Maybe they already have.

Ron got back just before 5:00 this afternoon and then we went to Cobbleheads for supper.  Jeff and Barb had taken us there a couple of times for Sunday lunch and it was very nice - and quiet.  Not tonight!  It was far from quiet.

Shortly after we got there the music started.  Live music that is.  It seemed to start with a keyboard, but I have told you music doesn't sound normal to me.  Then two guitars were added.  At least one was played by a woman and she also sang.  When noises get too loud, my Cochlear sound processor will shut down, or take the noise way down so my ear won't be damaged.  Every time the lady would sing, it would shut down.  Ron and I would be trying to talk and I would not be able to hear him since it had shut down.  I thought we were having a very romantic dinner since he kept moving his chair closer and closer, but it turned out it was only since he could not hear. 

While the lady was singing one time I mentioned to Ron, that the processor kept shutting down and he said I was lucky.  I asked if she was really that loud that it would shut down and he said yes it was.  It was a strange supper conversation.

At home I sewed some, and read until I finished the book I had been reading. 

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