Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 17,2014

Heading to Dallas
October 17,2014

Friday evening on our way to Dallas
The blog postings are way over due.  It is actually Tuesday, October 21 and I am trying to play catch up.  There are several reasons for the delay.  First, I have been VERY busy.  Second, I am staying  with our son and his apartment doesn't have internet service, so this morning I am at a wonder little restaurant called Panera Bread, having breakfast and using their free internet service.  It is hard to beat fantastic food and free internet.  They  do ask that between 11:00 and 2:00 you limit usage to 30 minutes since that is their busy time, so  I will see how much I can get done in the next couple of hours before they start serving lunch.

Friday morning I had packing to do, and then late in the morning I went to the office to write up a deposit for the shop and to take care of last minute items there.  Next I got my hair cut before going home to finish packing.  Ron came about 12:30 and we left about 1:30 to head to Dallas for a weekend of bridal showers and time with our son and daught-in-law to be.

Traffic was a little heavy being a Friday afternoon but the weather was fine and we had a good trip, stopping for a very late lunch in Robstown and a delicious supper in Round Rock at our favorite Pok e Joe Bar-B-Q restaurant. 

Sadly, Ron's hearing is not what it used  to be and I also think that all the time I was struggling to hear in the past, I talked louder than I do now, so now that I am speaking in a more normal volume, he is having trouble hearing me.  If I take my Cochlear sound processor off, I immediately start talking louder and sometimes he will ask me to speak more softly, but if I have it on, and have it turned up to hear him over road noise, apparently, I speak more softly and he struggles.  We chatted most of the trip and I would not even venture to guess how many times the phrase, "What did you say?" was uttered and who said it most often.

 We arrived at our destination for the evening at a small motel in Temple,  In the past I have been able to get on line there and I had hoped to do a blog entry that evening, but for some reason, I could not get on and we were both tired, so I gave up. 

When we stay in other places, if the bed is even halfway comfortable, I sleep soundly since I hear no noises during the night when my Cochlear sound processor is off.  This motel is right on the expressway and I think the noises bothered Ron some.  There are a few (not many) advantages to being deaf.

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