Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4, 2014

Busy Day for Ron
June 4, 2014

Today Ron kept on the go most of the day and tonight he is exhausted.  I am not sure but I think he was out of the office about 80% of the time when I was there.  Shortly after I got to the office, he left with a list of three jobs to complete.  He came in during the middle of the day to get supplies for one of the jobs he was working on.  Then it was late afternoon before he returned.  He offered to go to the bank for me and of course as happened earlier in the week, as soon as he left, I was swamped with customers.

To start my day, I woke at 5:00 this morning and knew it was useless to try to go back to sleep.  I got up and got my hair washed and then sat at the computer to write yesterday's blog that I was too tired to finish last night.  I spent a little time in the yard before going to the office.  I had to be at the office in time for Ron to keep an appointment for a job at 10:00.  I did get a baby blanket made before going to the office.  These are not quilts that I am currently making, but light-weight receiving blankets that are just right for our weather in South Texas.

During the day at the office, I spent a lot of time waiting on customers.  That is good.  Besides that I paid bills and unpacked shipments, and chatted with customers.  I have decided that the best setting for me to hear people is across a counter at work - if the machines are not running behind me.  My Cochlear Implant picks up people well who are close and in front of me, facing me.  In life in general, that doesn't happen all the time.
 By the end of the working day, Ron was really dragging.  He was so tired.  We met my mom for supper, but shortly after he finished eating, he excused himself to go home and "crash".  He was asleep when I got home. 

After supper, I had gone to do a little shopping.  Our Kohl's store often sends out $10 gift cards and I have in the past, wasted hours looking for what to spend them on.  So recently I started using them to buy baby items that are on sale.  In February each year, our church ladies have a project which we call Bundles of Love.  We prepare bundles of baby items for new moms who have very little for their babies.  We include little gowns and little one piece outfits, bibs, bottles, wash cloths, diapers, booties, receiving blankets and quilts, along with pacifiers, lotions, powder, and toys.  I picked up these three cute outfits from the sale racks and after using my $10 gift card, I spent $1.08.  Thank you Kohl's for the gift card.

When I finished at Kohl's, I went to the office supply store and got some ink for the printers at the office and then tried to go to another store, but they were already closed.  Once I got home, I read for a little bit and then did a few little chores around the house.  I was able to talk to our son David on the phone for a while.  He and his family are doing well.  We just don't get to see them often enough!

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