Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28, 2013

A Stay-At-Home Saturday - Almost
September 28, 2013

What a nice day I have had!  It has been relaxing and I needed that after this past week!  I seemed to toss and turn much of the night and had an ear ache.  That did not give me a peaceful night, but it was gone when I got up this morning.

Our house keeper came and worked hard this morning.  She is needing some time off from her hectic schedule.  She has been caring for Ron's mom for a long time and has several other jobs.  I told her I would let her out of my Saturday job if she wants, but she is seeking another answer.  I hope she finds another answer!

Ron went on some errands this morning while I worked in the yard on the ponds, bird baths, and bird feeders.  I also took care of a few other things.  All the potted plants and hanging baskets are back to requiring regular attention since the rains have stopped.  This past week has been hot and steamy and I lost one plant that I think had a heat stroke.

We had a good lunch and then I spent two or three hours doing the Immersion Reading (listening while reading).  During that time, I wasn't reading all the time, because the birds were putting on quite a show for me in the back yard.  Out came my camera so that I could share that show with you!  All of these were shot through my double paned windows, so the quality is not great, but the variety was wonderful.

Tufted Titmouse
Buff-bellied Hummingbird. 
There were also Ruby-throated hummingbirds, but I didn't get pictures of them.
Budgerigar (Budgie)
This one was green but there was also a blue one this afternoon.
Green Jay (One of my favorites)
The birdbaths stayed busy with sparrows taking their Saturday baths.
(I counted at least 14 in this photo)
Bewick's Wren
The male Golden-fronted Woodpecker continues work enlarging his house.
Some of the birds will share. 
Some won't.
The afternoon bird show was a lot of fun.  Ron's brother Don and his wife arrived at Ron's mom's house mid-afternoon, so we went over and visited with them for a while.  The last time they were here, I was using my amplifier and could only hear bits and pieces of the conversation.  Don was pleased that he could be heard without effort.  I always enjoy conversations with his wife and look forward to a relaxed visit with her during their short stay. 
My elbow continues to improve, as does Ron's foot.  We are on the road to recovery and hope to be back to full strength in the near future.
Poor little bird!  Sometimes after a bath, you just can't do anything with your feathers!

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