Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 14, 2015

An Unhurried Saturday
November 14,2015

Green Jay
What a nice day I had.  It was totally uneventful.  It was relaxing.  Lazy. Wonderful.  I slept until 8:00.  I got up and made biscuits for breakfast and ate them as I read a book.  I filled ponds and bird feeders.  Ron was out until about noon.  I sewed a little.  Did some laundry, cleaned the dining room and part of the kitchen.  I changed sheets and towels and washed them.  My housekeeper has been out for a while and will be out for a good bit longer.  I will miss her, but I can manage - most days.

When Ron got home he mowed the backyard and hauled off the pile of cuttings and limbs I had been stacking up for a few weeks.  I spent some time in the yard pulling a few weeds, watering some plants, and trying to figure out how to keep a big ugly duck from sleeping in my flower bed.

Both of us had a light lunch and napped in the afternoon.  Again I sewed for a while.  I am almost finished with the quilt top I have been working on for the last couple of weeks.  It is a Christmas quilt that I started a year or two ago.  I have 5 more seams to go and the top will be done.

Green jays flitted through the yard off and on all day along with lots of sparrows.  There were a few tufted titmice, but little else.  I always enjoy watching the birds.

My voice worked when Ron came home about noon, but is gone again.  I never went anywhere today.  It was just good to be able to stay home and relax and do the things I want to do.

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