Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13, 2016

It Is Monday After All
June 13, 2016

A Bewick's Wren looking for brunch

Ron got me up as he was leaving to see his mother on his way to work.  It was one of those days that I could just not get moving.  Besides a bad headache, I had a back ache, too.  I did not go to the office until early afternoon. 

Ron left shortly after I got there to do some errands for his mother.  She continues to be doing well physically,but just doesn't have enough strength to get herself up from the bed or chair.  Don't know for sure how long it will be before she can do that. 

At the office I worked on some paper work and have more I need to get done tomorrow.  Thankfully on Friday I had straightened some folders in the file that we must have for our state license.  The man came to audit those files today before I got to the office, but I had shown them to Ron on Friday and he knew right where they were, and all was in order.  The man asked for something additional and Ron pulled that file and showed the man where the law said that file was correct.  Ron had actually printed out the law and had it in the file, and so the auditor for the state said, OK.  It is a real shame when Ron knows the rules better than they do.

The afternoon was a little quiet and since I had gone in so late, the day seemed very short.  Remember I mentioned that last week the man whose business had burned came in to the office?  I had done a very small kindness for him when he was there and today I got the nicest Thank You note from him.  How kind of him to take time to that when he must have so many things on his mind these days.

After work, I came home and Ron went to check on his mom.  I worked in the yard for a little bit.  I had stopped just before going to the office this afternoon, to take time to water Ron's zinnias.  Some of them were wilting. 

This evening I cut the open flowers and was about to pick about three dozen.  I made three arrangements: one was oranges and golds, one was red and yellow, and the third was pink, white, and purples.

Back in the house, I put some chicken breasts on to cook and fixed a lite supper for me.  Later after the chicken was done, I de-boned it so I can make some chicken salad tomorrow.  I had the kitchen about clean at one time this evening.  It just doesn't stay that way.

There is a woodpecker nest in the same tree they have used the last few years and this afternoon with my Cochlear sound processor on, I was able to hear the baby bird fussing that the parents were not serving supper fast enough. 

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