Friday, August 1, 2014

July 31, 2014

Day Late and Probably a Dollar Short
July 31, 2014

This posting was started a day late, but now it is two days late.  Oh, well.  Probably two dollars short, too.  Sorry yesterday's posting is late, but last night's activities ran late and I was just too tired to write.  It was a very nice day.  I got to the office about 10:00 and Ron was out much of the day on jobs.  While he was out I worked on end of the month things to be ready to send out statements to our customers.  Also, I got some cleaning done at the office while Ron was out and that is always nice.

About 3:30 I left the office and went to our son's home to take care of five of his children while their mom is out of town.  It turned out two of them (the two little boys) had gone to the island with their uncle and cousin and so only the three girls were there and my mom who had been caring for them during the day.

We got supper in the oven and soon my brother and his wife arrived with three of their grandchildren who are visiting from Mississippi.  The children have been in Corpus with my brother and his wife for a month and are heading home this weekend. 

These cousins only see each other about once a year, but you would think they are the best of friends who play together daily.  They just pick up where they left off the last time.  They had a great time playing together except that it was too hot to be outside as much as they wanted to be.  They did play baseball for a while and had a delightful time.
 We had a great supper together of lasagna, salad, French bread and for dessert, strawberry shortcakes.  Everyone enjoyed the food and the fellowship except for me at times the noise was overwhelming and I would take a break in the kitchen washing dishes.  Everyone was having fun, but the constant chatter was too much for my Cochlear sound processor.

Mom left with my brother's family to go to her house for the night and I stayed and got my grandchildren settled in for the night.  The youngest misses her mom and it mostly shows up at bedtime.  She got to crying for her mom so I cuddled her and started singing a made up song to her about all the people who love her, then all the people she loves, and then all the things she loves.  As soon as I had started to sing, she closed her eyes and relaxed and I thought she was asleep.  Then I sang a line about some food she didn't like (but I sang it as "Sarah loves...").  I don't even remember what it was, but she opened her eyes, shook her head, and then laid it back down and closed her eyes.  I had to laugh.  Love kids!

It was almost 10:30 before Jeff got home from McAllen and we chatted briefly before I left to go home.  That is why there was no Thursday posting.  Now I am behind for Friday's but I will see how much I can get done.

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