Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30, 2014

Nice Start to a Holiday Weekend
August 30, 2014

This morning I was up early for the housekeeper.  Ron was home all morning.  I made one quick trip in the morning but it was starting to rain and I didn't want to do my grocery shopping in the rain, so I returned home and spent most of the day in the sewing room.  I spent some time in the yard filling bird feeders.  This morning when I walked into the sewing room and pulled back the curtains, I was greeted by the sight of this beautiful bloom (photo above) on a potted plant.  For several years, I have had this plant in a corner of the flower bed I redid a week or two ago.  When I redid the flower bed, I moved the plant and noticed it had a stalk coming up with green nubby spots on it.  This is what those green nubby spots became.  What a treat!  For years, it just sat there doing nothing.  As soon as it was moved into the sunlight, it bloomed.

Much of the day was spent sorting through quilt projects in progress.  I was trying to select a background fabric for one set of blocks.  The fabric I bought did not look good with the blocks so I tried several others.  Finally I chose one.  It is not a perfect choice, but it will do.  Then in the process of doing that, I found 3 more projects in progress.  One is a set of 25 Christmas blocks that I have made.  Then there are two smaller sets of the same pattern of blocks just in different colors - one is children's prints and one is Aggie colors.

One of the 25 Christmas blocks that I have made.

Late in the afternoon I went to the grocery store and it was very crowded.  While I was gone my daughter-in-law here in town texted that our son had the children on an outing and so I went to visit her for a while.  She is getting ready to start the school year for their home school.  She will have her hands full with their schooling this year.  We had a relaxing visit.  On my way home I talked by phone to our daughter-in-law in New Mexico.  They are having car trouble and will have to spend the holiday weekend at home until they can get the car fixed early next week.

I did have to have my daughter-in-law in New Mexico repeat a lot on the phone tonight.  Part of it was due to noise as I was driving.  We did have a good visit, but it was frustrating for me to have to ask for so much to be repeated.  I also felt I was answering questions that she wasn't asking.

During the afternoon I took time out to photograph a few birds.  There was a yellow warbler in the yard that I saw several times, but he would not stay put for me to get a photo.

 This Tufted Titmouse was quick, too, but he kept coming back to the feeder, so I set up the camera so I could watch the feeder.  He would grab a seed and fly to the tree to eat it and then return for another seed.
I enjoyed watching him.

The humming birds were visiting the feeders and there were several White-Winged Doves in the yard.  This young one spent a long time at the feeder.  Notice he is still lacking most of the feathers on his head.

Another project I worked on was the border for one of the wild blocks I posted a few days ago.  I think I can get it done with just a little more work.  I am pleased with the plan.  So much I would like to do - so little time!

The Bewick's Wren is a small bird with a big voice.  This little guy made himself heard to me this afternoon.

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