Sunday, July 21, 2013

Good Sunday and Family Fun
Sunday,  July 21, 2013

This morning the worship service and Sunday School times were very good.  It was good to see friends and to worship together.  There was a visitor sitting in front of me in church who had been here before, a few years ago, from up near Dallas.  He introduced himself and said a mutual friend had told him about my Cochlear Implant and he was so glad I was making good progress.  He is here for a week doing mission projects.  Another couple had been on vacation since I had the device activated and they were delighted that I could hear them (me, too!).

I could hear much of the sermon, but not all of it.  I did hear a little bit from the music director including when he honored the pastor for being here 11 years!  Oh, my!  The years are sailing by!  I visited with one of the men after the service and couldn't get all he said - he is very soft spoken, but it was good to visit. 

My husband and son Jeff had a Deacon's meeting and lunch after church, so the rest of the family came to our house to work on leftovers.  The grand kids had a friend with them and we all had a great visit.  Our youngest grand daughter entertained us all, but trying to get a photo was a challenge - she was never still!  She had a wonderful time.  I did find it hard to distinguish some of her sounds.  At one point I heard a rhythmic sound I could not figure out.  I asked and Barbara told me Sarah was hollering.  It did not sound at all like that.  The audiologist had told me to ask when I can't identify a sound so that I can learn what it is.  It is strange not to be able to identify fairly common sounds.

The family stayed for a long time, allowing the kids plenty of time to play and enjoy the toys at Grandma's house.  They have their favorite activities when they are here.  One grandson likes to watch some videos that my husband records.  A couple of them like the Legos.  I noticed when my grandson turned on the video that I asked him to turn it down.  I usually was unaware that it was on. 

The rest of the day included a nap, a little work in the backyard, and a shopping trip to the grocery store to get ready for the next set of guests - our son Stephen and his girlfriend, Kristina, who will be arriving any minute.  I have had very limited hearing since meeting his Kristina, and it will be nice to be able to converse with her.  I will let you know how it goes!


  1. Steve has been at FBC eleven years? That means the Aldersons joined the church 11 years ago!! Guess that's why I count the Johnstons as "old" friends!!

    1. Ha, ha! I guess that is right. It is so hard to believe it has been that long. Well, old friend, I am glad you spent several years in Brownsville!
