Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 31, 2014

Five Grandchildren and a Lot of Laughs
May 31, 2014

The shirt says, "The Princess Has Arrived".  The apron has cupcakes on the fabric and was made for our granddaughters by Ron's mother.  We put it to good use today.

My baking helper.
Our second oldest son and his wife have seven children.  They are a delightful family.  Our son and his wife went out of town for the weekend and my mom is keeping the oldest two boys while Ron and I are keeping the five youngest.  They range in age from 2 years old to 10 years old.  They have been very happy all day and always love to play with the toys at our house that belonged to their dad and their uncles.  

We started the morning rather early and got donuts to have for breakfast.  Then they went back to playing.  The oldest granddaughter helped with the bird feeders, the youngest helped bake cupcakes.
While the cupcakes cooled, I fixed lunch and we ate.  We had spaghetti and grilled cheese sandwiches - two different requests, but most of them ate some of both.  Strange combination!
After lunch I frosted the cupcakes and the older kids decorated them.

Then we all enjoyed eating them!
Ron took two of the children with him on an errand to Harlingen.  I got the baby down for her nap and read for a while as the other two played happily together.  Later the two little boys rested for a while; the youngest had napped on the trip to Harlingen.
Later in the afternoon Ron set up a card table and let the kids each paint a birdhouse.  He had given me several for Christmas and we let the kids decorate them. 
Below:  Even the 2 year old painted one.
While they painted with Ron, I fixed supper.  We had egg salad sandwiches and fruit salad.  Our oldest granddaughter has always loved this fruit salad along with her mom and me.  Tonight her youngest brother and the baby of the family decided it was wonderful.  Our oldest granddaughter isn't pleased at the thought of so many liking the salad she loves. 
It has been a fun day.  I am tired.  The hearing challenges were always there.  Our youngest grandson has really learned about getting on the proper side of me to be able to get me to hear him.  I did fairly well with him.  The constant chatter and giggles are so sweet, but do wear on me.  At one point during supper I almost took the sound processor off, but knew I needed to keep hearing. 

It took a while, but we finally got everyone one in bed.  I think I am ready for a hot, soaking bath.

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