Thursday, February 11, 2016

February 9, 2016

Supper at One of 
My Favorite Spots
February 9, 2016

This is the quilt my friend machine quilted for me on Tuesday.  
I still need to do the binding.

Tuesday was a good day.  I didn't get to the office until almost 10:30.  I am not sure why I was so late, but probably due to the time I took in the back yard watering hanging plants, etc.  It has been too long since we had a soaking rain and there does not seem to be one in the forecast.

At the office I worked on the bank statement for the office and it balanced quickly.  That was a change from the last couple of months.  More paperwork kept me tied up most of the day.  I did filing, sorting, etc.

After lunch I ran a quick errand to pick up a prescription, and while I was gone, my friend Dolores brought back another quilt she had quilted for me.  It is so pretty.  It is a scrap quilt with accents in purple and yellow.  It is so cheerful looking.  All photos in this blog are of that quilt.

Ron and I picked up our friends the Lawlers, to go to San Benito for supper.  We ate at the Longhorn Cattle Company restaurant.  It was so good!  We each chose something different, but I did not hear a single complaint about the food.  The only complaints were from Ron and the Lawlers that it was cold in there.  I thought it was perfect.

Riding up in our car and while eating and then riding home, I had Pat use the mini-mic.  It was very helpful, but sometimes it seemed to cut in and out.  I need to check the instructions to see if it does that if the person is not talking for a certain length of time.  It was an inconvenience to keep having to reset it.

After supper we took them home and then we went home.  Our son Bob and I talked for a bit.  His mother-in-law is doing better following her mild stroke.  I read for a while but fell asleep before too long.  I slept until a little after midnight and after loading and starting the dishwasher, I moved to the bed for the rest of the night.
The backing on the quilt.

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