Friday, February 19, 2016

February 19, 2016

Friday Was a Nice Day
February 19, 2016

This morning I picked a couple more miniature roses
This morning, I was up just before time for Ron to wake me.  I had breakfast and then got my shower and got dressed.  I was to pick my sister up at the airport at 10:55.  I noticed I had a text message telling me her flight had been delayed; that left some time for reading.  Soon I was asleep.  Oops!  I woke up at 10:55 and her flight was due in at 11:15 after the delay.  When I arrived at the airport, she was waiting on the sidewalk.

We all see the cartoons about old folks sitting around talking about their ailments.  My sister and I have become those cartoons.  She is 10 years younger than I am, but we have some similar ailments like thyroid problems (although our thyroid problems are not the same), etc., so on the way to Mom's we discussed reactions to medications.  We both agree that sometimes the reactions can be worse than the problem.  We are thankful that medications can often help, but sure wish they didn't cause other things to deal with.

Mom was waiting for my sister's arrival, and I just dropped her off and went to the office.  I took care of some bookkeeping chores and then Ron left on a job for the rest of the day.  I spent some time reading during the afternoon.  We have commented before that Friday afternoons are our slowest time normally.  It was true today. 

After I locked up at the office, I met Mom and my sister for supper.  We had a good time and missed Ron, but he was still working on his job.  At supper I used the Cochlear Mini Mic and it worked fine, allowing me to hear Mom clearly.

Following supper, I went to Kohl's and shopped for a little while before coming home.  Shortly after I got home, Ron arrived.  He had not been feeling good and had a little supper and went to sleep.  I am trying to decide what to do tomorrow.  I was hoping to go to the island for some bird photos, but late this afternoon it got real cloudy, so I am not sure what the weather is doing.  There is also a quilt show at the island that it would be nice to see.

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