Sunday, February 14, 2016

February 10, 2016

Catching Up on the Blog
February 10, 2016

This is the quilt that I worked on this week to bind.  It is just one piece of fabric front and one on the back with that piece also being used for the binding.  It was for Mom's birthday and she now has it so I can share photos.  More in a later posting.

Busy days this last week have left me 1/2 a week behind on postings.  I have been on the go non-stop it seems and have had some amazing meals with family and friends as we spread out the celebration of birthdays in the family. 

On Wednesday I started out my day a little earlier than usual, but still didn't get everything done that I had intended.  I am still working on paper work that has just overwhelmed me lately.  I sure miss the days when my grandson would spend the day with me at the office and file papers for me, or shred old papers.  We had wonderful conversations during those days.

Ron was out of the office part  of the day, but there was nothing outstanding about the work day.  I kept hoping to have time to do a little sewing at the office this week, but it did not happen.  The accountant sent some tax papers and we needed to go over then and approve them.  Then I did a little cleaning at the office while Ron was out.

Late in the afternoon I sent Mom an email to see if she needed groceries.  She needed a few things and so I picked up Mom and Carmen and we all went to the grocery store.  Once we had finished, I took Mom home and we unloaded her groceries and then I headed home with mine to unload and put away.  We had an easy supper and then I read for a while before preparing fabric for the binding on the quilt Dolores had returned to me a couple of days before.  It is the one at the top of the page.

Again I was able to use the Cochlear wireless phone clip to talk comfortably to our son in New Mexico.  His wife will be away for the next 10 days or so helping with her mom who had a mild stroke recently.

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