Monday, February 15, 2016

February 14, 2016

It's Valentine's Day
February 14, 2016

 White Ibises

It seems a long time since Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday.  I liked it. For Valentine's Day Ron had a nice ring for me with my birthstone. At church the pastor preached on faithful love in marriage.  In Sunday School one of the ladies passed out chocolate heart candies to everyone.  In class we had a good crowd and a good lesson.

When I went to get Mom between Sunday School and Worship service, I spotted these 10 white ibises (at the top of the page) wandering through her neighborhood.  She had seen me pull over at the end of her street and thought I was having car trouble.  No, just photographing the birds.

During the worship service one of the staff members and his wife shared of their recent visit to see their son and his family on the other side of the world serving the Lord in a country with few Christians.  It was good to hear a report of their trip and the work being done there.

After church, Ron and I went to the Sprint store.  Both of us had been having problems with our phones and the young lady there quickly solved our problems.  Then we picked up some lunch and came home for a relaxed visit over lunch.
Pretty little rose from my rose flowerbed. 
Ron slept the afternoon away while I worked in the backyard for a couple of hours watering, raking leaves, and cutting back a couple of bushes right by the back door.  It was very windy, so I did not try to carry all of the palm fronds and cuttings to the brush pile, but did take the leaves to the pile.  I picked the one rose bud that seemed about ready to open.

After I came in it was time for a bath.  I then read for a while and did a little cleaning in the sewing room.  I baked over 12 dozen cookies to send to some special people.  I did a little laundry and went to sleep a little early after talking to our son in New Mexico.

Sunset after a long busy day.

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