Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29, 2015

A Windy Wednesday, Again
April 29, 2015

This hibiscus bush had several blooms today.

Today was not as windy as yesterday, but it was still windy.  This morning I got up early for my allergy shots and made Ron's coffee before I went to wake him, but he was already up.  I gave myself the allergy shots and then spent time in the yard.  Thankfully it was cool (about 60 degrees) and I did not over do, because I am not to do strenuous activities for 2 hours after the allergy shots (or before).  I did plant a few little bedding plants and watered most of the other potted plants.  I had to fill the waterfalls and fountains.  The fountains run dry when it is windy because so much water blows out of spray in the fountains in the birdbaths.

Then I got my shower and washed my hair before dressing for work.  I needed to stay at the house until about 9:20, so I did a few little chores around the house and then left for work.  At the office, the morning was nice.  Ron had the doors open because it was cooler outside than inside.  That is nice, but I can't tell when a customer comes in since there is not a loud bell for me to hear.
 New plant that needs to be put in a hanging basket.
A friend from the quilt group dropped by with a gift she wanted me to deliver for her.  She stayed and we had a nice visit.  She is an excellent seamstress and turns out some lovely quilts.  We talked about the things we are each working on and things we should be working on.

After I ate my lunch, Ron left on jobs for the rest of the day.  He ended up getting back to the office about 15 minutes before closing time.  I had a nice number of customers while he was out and had some good sales.  This afternoon, I was very sleepy at the office, so finally I decided I would do some sewing.  I got more of the string pieced blocks made.  I now have 22 squares done.  This is all from scraps from previous projects.
 The 22 completed blocks
After work I went to the bank to make a deposit and then by Jeff's house, but only the two big boys were home.  I had something that Rachel was making for a friend that I wanted her to have by this evening so she could give it to her friend at choir practice.  I will see if her brother remembered to give it to her. 

Then I went by my mom's and woke her from her nap.  We visited and walked in the yard while she showed me what had been done today by a man who helps her with some of her yard work.  Another one has recently trimmed all her trees in the yard to allow more sunlight to get to the grass and plants.  We visited for a while and then I headed home, but stopped at Walgreen's for milk and bread on the way. 
Another of the plants waiting to be put in a hanging basket.
When I got home, I again spent time in the yard.  I did a little weeding and checked on several things in the yard.  I took a few photos, but not too many.  It was so nice out, I wished for a screen porch for I could have my supper on the porch without flies and mosquitoes.

Ron had stayed at the office to work so I made a sandwich for my supper and started working on the backing for the second quilt I have mentioned before.  I need to get that backing finished and deliver both quilts to Harlingen to the quilter.  She should be ready to work on them soon.

For some reason - probably the winds, my allergies are bothering me more today than usual.  I will be glad when the allergy shots start helping.  I had an email from the allergist a day or two ago telling me that it would be a while before I see a change.

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