Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 11, 2015

Nap Robbed Me of My Afternoon
April 11, 2015

Many people think taking naps are good for you.  Maybe they are, but I hate to give up an afternoon to take one.  I have friends who say a 30-45 minute nap does wonders for them.  Not me.  A short nap is worse than no nap for me.  So when I fell asleep reading this afternoon, the 3 hour nap stole my afternoon.  Of course it also means I am not sleepy at bedtime and so that creates its own set of problems.  But I do feel well rested.

This morning I was up about 7:30, did my allergy shots, and picked up Carmen about 9:30 to bring her to clean my house.  While she worked in my sewing room, I worked in the yard.  In fact, following overnight rains that still left every tree dripping, I ended up spending almost 2 hours working in the yard.  I am not sure any of the work really shows.  I filled ponds, fountains, and bird feeders.  Then I did weeding and trimming.  The continued rains keep everything growing at a very rapid pace.  I cleaned the windows on the sewing room to keep them photo ready.

The path that I use to take the mower to the backyard was completely overgrown.  I did trimming there and around one of the feeders that was almost sitting in a bush that had been creeping toward the feeder.  It was warm and muggy outside and I was hot and sweaty by the time I came in.  After my shower, I worked straightening the living room closet.  It is overloaded, but straight at the moment.  I had sorted the laundry before I picked up Carmen and she was able to get it all done.  I took her home about 2:00, stopping to pick up lunch for both of us on the way. 

There was just no time to sew today.  That frustrates me.  I don't know how to work all of the things into my days that I want to do.  After lunch and the reading, was when I fell asleep.  Following my nap, I remembered I needed to pick up some medicine at the drug store, so went to get that and picked up a few more things.  Once I was home I fixed supper for us and later baked a banana cake.  I have so many things I enjoy doing!

It is almost midnight and it is raining a little.  We have a 100% chance of rain tonight and it could be heavy.  They say there could be thunder.  I love thunder.  With my Cochlear implant, I hear some thunder, but don't always realize that the sound I hear is thunder.  Ron has been good lately about telling me that there is thunder so I can know what the noise is that I am hearing.  It is not the same sound as I used to hear, but I am still glad I can hear it.