Another Late Posting
April 22, 2015
Hooded Warbler
Again I didn't get a blog posted last night. It was a good day. I got to the office a little earlier than usual and left a little later than usual which made for a long day. At the office, Ron was out most of the day and I had a nice variety of customers. The most interesting was a lady who needed extra keys to give to a realtor for the house that had belonged to her mother. The lady was from out of town and was glad to see that after all the years that she had been away, we were still in the same place. She is the only family member who lives anywhere near our area and she is 3 hours away. She was just going to take what she and the family wanted and give the rest away. Her brother and the realtor talked her into hiring an agency to do an estate sale. The more she talked the more I knew she needed to have the estate sale.
The discussion reminded me that often our family doesn't know the value of the things we have. They may know that we love them, but they don't know their value in dollars. Ron and I have tried to let each other know what things we have that are the most valuable. In our family, after our deaths, our things would be available to our children and their children, but some things we have might just be clutter to them. When we have a hobby, we usually hope someone in the family will want to follow in our foot steps, but if they don't, all those items will be just "stuff and junk" to them. The lady and I talked about how often family members end up keeping things just because, "they belonged to Grandma." I don't want my possessions to become a burden to my family.
Recently one daughter-in-law saw a new necklace I was wearing and said some day she would love to have it. I need to write that down. I would love for her to have it. I want each of them to have things that bring them joy to use and have. My mom has told me to write my name on the back of things I want. We should be able to do that without making the person feel we are eager for them to pass away so their possessions can be passed on! These are just a few thoughts that came to me yesterday after talking to the lady. I do love to be able to converse with customers!
In the afternoon at the office I paid bills and worked on assorted paper work. The only real problem I seem to have at the office hearing customers is that some of them will come in without full information that I need to help them and they often pull out their cell phone, call their boss, and then hand the phone to me. Doesn't work. I can't hear them. Same thing when they don't speak much English, they will call someone who does speak English to have them talk to me. Doesn't work.
Another thing I did during the afternoon was that I located on line a video I had watched a while back on a quilt square that I wanted to make. I had figured out the measurements, but could not find the directions. This time I took some photos in case I have trouble locating it again. I don't always save them as I should! The two photos here are from the Fons and Porter site. Can't wait to try it out.
After work, I went to the post office and then to a store to look at dishwashers. The saleslady was quick and helpful. They had the model I want. She said they would meet the price at the other place, but that they are having a sale Sunday and I might want to wait until then. Thank you, helpful saleslady! We will check on it. They will have to order it and it will add about a week or so to the waiting time, but I can live with that for a lower price.
Knowing it is migration time and I am low on bird seed, I stopped at the grocery store and got some on the way home. I did have a hooded warbler and a yellow warbler on the waterfalls last night. I will include one photo, (at top of page) but I must explain why it is a terrible photo. It is hot and muggy here now. My camera had been sitting in my nice cool house and then I stuck it out the window to get the photo of the warblers and the lens fogged up. It was about 10 minutes before the lens cleared up. I went ahead and took one photo after about 8 minutes in case the bird left (and it did).
I fixed supper, read a while, and talked to our daughter-in-law in New Mexico. Our son had been sick, but is better. She had met with a friend for lunch and enjoyed the time with her. It was a good day for her and for me.
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