Monday With the Middles
April 27, 2015
Sunset to the West
Our daughter-in-law needed to go to McAllen today with a contractor to get an estimate on things that would need to be done to the house that they are trying to buy. She took the two youngest children with her. The oldest was at work, the second was studying and the three middle ones spent the day at our office. They brought some school work and their happy smiles and constant chatter.
Looking to the East at sunset
I was up early to get my allergy shots. Then I worked on a few chores around the house before going to the office. The children arrived shortly after I did and carried on with various activities. Ron took two of them with him on a trip to check on his mother. He left them there for a bit while he came back to the office to pick up something he forgot. They had a good visit.For lunch we had the leftovers from yesterday's lunch. Then we topped it off with yogurt and cookies. The kids were good and managed to keep busy. Ron brought a doll house from the storeroom that I made 25 years or so ago and they spent time enjoying it. Both of the girls did some sewing. They each had ideas about what they wanted to do. One was making a little toy stuffed cat for a friend.
The afternoon was slow in the office. Two of the grandchildren went outside with me to clean up some of the area around the shop. They worked hard. We did some sweeping and cleaning up of areas that had been bugging me. I appreciated their help.
Their oldest brother picked them up about 5:30 and then I went to check on my mom. She had not gone to church yesterday due to pain in her back. She was doing fairly well, but still in pain. I take her to have a bone density test tomorrow morning and to see her regular doctor after that.
Ron and I ended up going to get Mexican food for supper and had a nice quiet evening there. We ran into a couple who used to go to our church many years ago and we had not seen them in a long time. They attend a small mission church now. They have often helped to start new missions. It was good to see them. They were meeting their pastor and some friends there for supper.
As we got home I noticed that the sunset would be great so I went to get my camera and apparently I had left it at the office, so tonight's photos are from my cell phone and are all of the beautiful sunset this evening. It was so nice. Today the air cleared up - we had just had several days of haze and it was nice to have clean air again.
The evening was relaxing except for watching the news. Seeing the terrible news from Baltimore where there are riots and violence is heart breaking. America needs to turn back to God. I spent some time talking to our son and his wife in New Mexico. They had a good weekend and our daughter-in-law is taking a quilting class and enjoying it.
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