Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015

Unexpected Day Off
April 20, 2015

This is a section of a beautiful piece of fabric I bought last week.  
It has to be my favorite over the last few years!

This morning just as I started to put on my shoes to go to work, I checked my messages and had one from my husband saying that the air conditioning at the office was not working and that I could stay home.  He didn't have to offer twice!  The a/c repairman came to the office early in the afternoon and made the necessary repairs, but Ron was not planning to go out and I was cooking supper, so I stayed home the rest of the day. 

The morning at home was spent cleaning; not vacuuming or dusting, but sorting things, putting away books that had stacked up on coffee tables, replacing burned out light bulbs, taking things to the proper rooms, etc.  I have spent almost the entire day on my feet and my back is giving me fits at the moment.  I did get a lot done, but it is the kinds of things that don't really show.  There were flower arrangements out that were out of season, there were Easter bunnies that needed to be put away, and things like that, but I may be the only one who notices.

Around noon I put a brisket in the oven for supper and started a big pot of pinto beans cooking.  Both turned out perfectly!  The brisket was the most tender in a long time.  Yummy!  My dishwasher quit working Saturday night I guess.  Sunday morning I started to unload it and it was filled with dirty dishes.  I thought I had started it just before going to bed.  So I started it again and when I got home from church and went to unload it, they were dirty and dry - it had not run at all.  So today I washed a bunch of dirty dishes and put most of them away.

Again I spent time trying to decide about the quilt backings that I tried to come to a decision on yesterday.  I needed to call the quilter and see how much extra fabric I needed to leave on the backing.  I decided to try to call.  How hard could that be?  I just needed an answer of 3 inches, 5 inches, or whatever.  The lady who answered the phone was fairly easy to hear, but when she put the quilter on the line, I could not understand her at all.  I ended up telling her I would have my husband call.  I sent Ron a message and asked him to do it for me.  He quickly got the answer I needed.  It is so frustrating to have to ask him to do that sort of thing.

When I try to make a phone call like that, I find that maybe one out of ten work for me.   I only try easy calls like the one today where I had only one question.  The lady today had a very high pitched voice and talked very fast.  I have talked to her in person and not noticed how high her voice is.  In person I probably get 85% of what she says the first time.

Ron was late getting home from work.  Following supper, by the time I trimmed the brisket and put the leftovers away, I was tired.  I have been reading this evening and am ready to quit for tonight.  I do have the dishwasher repairman coming in the morning thanks to Ron's call to them.

It was nice to watch the birds today.  There were so many of them, but all were the regulars and no migrating  birds.  They had a strong tail wind today, so I expect if any were flying north they just kept going today. 

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