Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30, 2015

Ahhh... Saturday!
And Sunshine!
May 30, 2015

Caladiums at Mom's house
This morning I had no obligations.  There was no one I had to pick up.  There was no where I had to be.  I slept late!  I woke about 6:30 as Ron was leaving, rolled over and went back to sleep until about 9:15.  That was so nice.  It was nice just to get up when I was ready. It was 10:30 I think before I ate breakfast and 11:30 before I got dressed.  Some days, it takes so little to please me.  A little kitchen cleaning and that ended my lazy morning.
New hibiscus at Mom's blooming
At 1:00 I went to Ron's mom's house to pick up Carmen and then we went to my mom's to pick up Mom.  They came to my house and Carmen cleaned and Mom relaxed until time for the two of us to go to the grocery store.  She did her shopping and I did the shopping for me and for Ron's mom.  She did not need much.  After loading the groceries into the car we went by Ron's mom's house and delivered her groceries.  She was doing a little better than when I had been there earlier.  Then I drove to Mom's house and unloaded her groceries, put the cold things away and left her to finish them and went home.
A variety of Moss Rose at Mom's house
By the time I got home, it was almost time to take Carmen back to Mom's house.  I talked to our daughter-in-law in New Mexico briefly.  They bought a car today and are so excited.  They have had constant problems with the one they had and it lasted until they decided what they wanted.  Our daughter-in-law had done the research on the car and then visited car dealers all over the town and found a good deal on a very low mileage car and they were able to get it today! 
The Golden Shower tree at Ron's mom's house
 is blooming for the third time this year.
Carmen and I are learning to communicate a little better in our different languages.  She uses a translation program on her phone as a last resort.  I think we would be even better friends if we spoke the same language!  What a blessing she continues to be to our family, or make that families as she helps with Ron's mother as her helper is out of town for a couple of weeks.
Ron's mom ready for an afternoon rest
Back at the house I joined Ron in the front yard where he had worked hard all afternoon.  Lots of trees had sprouted in the flower beds after all this rain we have had and he had been removing them.  He took out two dead tree trunks in the front yard and then worked on a flower bed that was taking over the front yard where I had Shrimp Plant.  He took out the ones that had crept out of the flower bed and moved them down the entire front of the house on one side of the sidewalk.  He moved about 20 clumps of the shrimp plants.  It will look a little strange for a while, but in no time at all I think they will be doing well.
Golden Shower blooms
It was hot and muggy outside today.  I don't know how Ron managed to work out there all afternoon.  Thirty minutes for me and I was soaking wet from sweat and he was the one doing the work. 
Mom's new hibiscus

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