Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27, 2015

Texas, Our Texas!
All Hail the Mighty State!
May 27, 2015

If you aren't from Texas, it could be hard for you to understand how a Texan feels about certain things.  We love Texas!  We love our bluebonnets.  We were not happy when Alaska became a state and made us have to change a line in our state song.  Previously it said "Largest and grandest, with standing ev'ry test..."  Now it says, "Boldest and grandest..."  We love our state and we are proud to be Texans.  I could go on for hours about what makes Texas great, but I think it just comes down to the people.  We are friendly.  We love each other.  We want the best for our neighbors and ourselves.  When our people hurt, we want to help.

Texas isn't just big, it is HUGE!  I used to laugh when I would travel to another state or another country and someone would find out I was from Texas and say, "Oh, I have a friend in Dallas.  Do you happen to know__________?"  Dallas is over 550 miles north from where I live.  El Paso is about 825 miles northwest from here.  The recent flooding, missing people, loss of homes, loss of businesses, loss of treasures that hold memories, all those things bring heartache to all of us.

Personally I do not  know the people who have lost family members, homes, and possessions, but today I was exchanging emails with a friend in Central Texas who was taking food to her church for the family and friends of a lady who died a few days ago in their area when her car was swept away in the floods.  She said all of that part of their small town was parked up with cars from people attending the funeral this morning and that every seat was taken in the church and in the overflow areas.

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, we have family members in Corpus Christi who are friends with those who are missing from Wimberly.  My nephew's wife is keeping people from the church updated on the search through online postings.  Texas can be like a big, extended family.  We each wish we could be out there looking, or preparing food for the searchers, or helping to clean the mud and muck out of the businesses and homes that were flooded.  I am so very proud of our state.  I am proud to be a Texan.

My day started early as I had to be up to do the allergy shots.  I am still bruising myself a lot.  I have always bruised easily so this is nothing new and recent blood tests were all great, so it is just me.  I arrived at the office a little earlier than most days.  Ron was in and out during the day.  I had a variety of customers to help.

Oh, I forgot to mention something that has happened a few times lately and happened this morning.  When I arrived at the office, there were some men at the shop from the utility company getting keys made.  After they left I could hear an alarm type sound and got me keys out to go turn off my car alarm.  It turned out not to be my car alarm, but a back-up beeper on the utility company truck (maybe I need one on my car). 

As I have explained, with my Cochlear implant, sounds don't always sound like they used to sound to me.  The car alarm is new so that is a sound I am still trying to learn.  The night we went to the office to put out the sandbags, I kept hearing an alarm and each time reached for my remote for the car alarm thinking the thunder had set off the alarm on the car.  One time Ron was just coming up front from the warehouse and asked what that noise was.  I was glad to see I was not the only one having trouble trying to identify it.  I told him it was my car alarm and I was trying to shut it off but I couldn't.  About that time he handed me my cell phone and showed me it was a weather alert alarm coming from the phone.  Oops!  I do provide lots of laughs for my husband.

I sewed a lot at the office today making the string pieced squares.  There are now 72 completed squares.  I think I want about 100 to make a good sized quilt.  Scraps are in abundance so for now I will just keep making squares.  All day I had not heard from the lady whose car I hit last night at the ball park.  I had sent emails and finally Ron tried to call her but got no answer.  Finally I got an email from her and she said she would call in the morning.  She had been busy all day.

After work, I stopped at Wal-Mart for a few items and then came home and had some supper.  Ron was staying late to work on an item for a customer.  So I had leftovers for supper and then did a couple of loads of laundry.

Yesterday I received a Mother's Day gift from our son and his wife in New Mexico.  It was a quilt wall hanging pattern and some gorgeous fabric.  They have great tastes!  I am eager to find a project for the items.

The pattern can be used with some fabric they gave me for my birthday.  I just need a few more hours in my days.

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