Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 1, 2015

Hello, May!  Where Did You Come From?
May 1, 2015

My one Easter Lily that a friend gave me last year had 
only one bloom, but the scent is strong and lovely.

Were you ready for April to leave?  I wasn't.  Today was beautiful weather and if May will continue like this, it would be great.  I spent time in the yard taking a few photos right after I did my allergy shots.  It was a lovely morning and I could hear lots of birds in the trees telling me to finish filling the ponds and feeders so they could have breakfast. 

Double orange hibiscus
While the birds ate their breakfast, I ate mine as I watched them from my sewing room.  They are interesting to watch even when it is just the usual visitor: sparrows, doves, grackles, and ducks.  A Great Kiskadee stopped by briefly but would not wait for me to get my camera. 
Black-bellied Whistling Duck

I did a little house work while I waited the three hours after my shot and then went to the office so Ron could leave on jobs.  He was gone the rest of the day.  I had a lot of customers.  I had hoped to get the billing done for April, but the morning I spent almost all the time at the counter helping customers.

These ducks like to be "on top of things." 
 I looked out to see this one on the large elephant fountain.
It was 2:00 before I got my lunch.  One of our grandsons was brought to the office to wait for his oldest brother to pick him up for their afternoon working on Vacation Bible School decorations and electronics at the church school.  So I got to see the two oldest boys from Jeff's family for a bit.
This one was on top of the large driftwood
During the afternoon I discovered that in my March report I had an error on my file copy.  The error had been corrected last month but somehow I had not corrected my file copy.  So now I don't know if I sent a corrected copy to the accountant.  I spent a good bit of the afternoon being sure everything in the computer was correct and then making new sets of March reports for me and a set to send to the accountant in case I sent him an uncorrected copy. 
This one was on top of the small elephant fountain
Instead of King of the Mountain, they play King of the Fountain
Then I worked on the April reports and have them finished except for one figure.  Monday I should finish and be able to print the statements and get them mailed.  I prepared two bank deposits and one of my own and just before closing when Ron returned, I went to the bank to make those.  I took my things with me and came home from there.
My new little bird bath and the purple plants the little boys helped plant last week.
When Ron arrived, we left to meet our friends for supper.  It was good as it is each week.  I am enjoying this little restaurant, but it is growing in popularity and getting noisy on Friday nights.  I did alright hearing but as we left, others were coming in.  I want them to be popular enough to stay in business, but not so popular that I won't be able to hear in there. 
White-winged Dove
Once we were home, it was not long before I was asleep in my recliner... and that is the rest of the day's story.
Single red  hibiscus

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