Monday, June 1, 2015

May 31, 2015

Let the Celebrating Begin!
May 31, 2015

On June 5, Ron and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary!  The celebrating began today with the lovely flowers that our son Jeff and his wife Barbara put in church in honor of our anniversary.
Here we are at lunch with our flowers in the background.

Following church, Jeff and Barbara took us out to lunch to celebrate at Cobbleheads where they have found that Sundays are peaceful and not crowded.  I can hear well there.  We had a table overlooking the lovely resaca and the kids were able to enjoy young ducks swimming around and exploring.  When we finished eating, the waiter brought some food for the kids to feed to the ducks. 

After lunch we headed home and Ron got a short nap while I made a quilt square before we got ready to go to an open house honoring one of the high school seniors from our church school.  The honoree was Liz Roberts who was class Valedictorian.  Liz is a beautiful young lady with a personality that is as beautiful as she is.  She is a very sweet person who is quick with a smile for everyone.

There were lots of friends at the gathering for Liz and a wide variety of beautifully served foods.  Our daughter-in-law came with 5 of the children and I enjoyed having snacks with the youngest who was delighted to eat a variety of fruits and cheeses and a little cake.  It was a little hard to hear but not too bad.  Of course I could only converse with those closest to me, but that was OK.  It was a very nice party.

Leaving there we went by Ron's mom's so he could take her some oranges that had been on her grocery list but I had failed to leave the day before.  Then we made a quick stop at my mom's to drop off a couple of things before coming home. 

When we got home, it was apparent that we had a little rain in our part of town while we were gone.  Over night there had been a good rain.  We were both tired after a busy weekend and I was soon asleep in the recliner and I think Ron slept the evening away, too. 
 I now have three squares in the new quilt pattern.


  1. Can't believe Liz graduated. Have I been gone that long?!

    1. Tiny, I know what you mean. Liz was just a little girl when they moved here. Ron and I were talking about how shy she was. She is a lovely young lady.

  2. A lovely way to start the celebration. Seems like yesterday that went home with you and we went across the border looking for your wedding dress!

    1. I am not sure where the years have gone, but they have been good years. Thanks for being a part of the wedding.

  3. Enjoy your celebration. It is well earned and applauded!

    1. Thank you, Linda, and I know your 50th will soon be here!
