Another Cloudy, Wet, Windy Day
May 12, 2015
Our Royal Poinciana tree has started blooming.
This is my favorite tree.
This morning it was raining when I woke up. It was not a heavy rain, but I could tell there had been rain overnight as predicted. The yard got watered as I had hoped. I did not try to fill the feeders because sometimes the birds don't show up on rainy days and the seed just gets wet. I did fill them when I got home in the afternoon and they were soon filled with hungry birds.
It was 10:00 a.m. and it was pretty dark outside.
The rain continued and got a little harder, but not a downpour. I got to the office a little after 10:00 and spent the morning helping at the counter while Ron was trying to get some desk work done on some locks for a customer. It was a nice day, but rather dark and dreary. It was cooler which is nice.
The backyard
I worked on some filing and backed up the end of the month report. I got a lot of things done and had a feeling of accomplishment that I don't always feel at the office. I printed out a bunch of note cards for a couple of projects. I started a new Bible study on encouraging others. It seems like it will be a good one.
The sun came out for about 2 minutes late this afternoon.
Ron was in the office all day, working on things that customers had brought in and he had orders to place. About 4:30 I left to come home. I ate my supper (Ron went to his mom's house for supper) and took care of the feeders and birdbaths. I cleaned a couple of the birdbaths that had needed attention and I decided to do them while it was cooler. The birds were fun to watch while I at supper.
Waiting for a turn at the feeders
Our quilt group has not met for the last few weeks, but I spent the evening working on the current quilt in progress. I just have about 4 more seams and the quilt top will be finished. The dining room needed a little cleaning and I worked in the kitchen for a while. When the new dishwasher was installed, two cabinets had to be emptied and I was able to reload one of them tonight. I need to wait a little bit to do the other one until a small leak is fixed.
Clean water in the fountain
As I sat down to start on this blog, I checked Fox News channel and found out about the Amtrak Train crash in Philadelphia. How sad. Praying for passengers and emergency personnel. So much dangerous work being done in the dark with just spotlights and portable lights.
A long stretch for a drink
Listening to the reports on TV tonight about the train wreck, does pose a problem with my hearing. The people are all hyper and are talking real fast. The typists can't keep up with the closed caption typing and it helps but I miss some of the information.
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