Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 7, 2014

How Long is Temporary?
August 7, 2014

About 10 days ago, I had some dental work done and a temporary crown was put on while we waited for the permanent one to arrive.  Since the day the work was done, I had a lot of discomfort.  This had not been my experience in the past.  This morning, the cap came off (that has been my experience), so I asked Ron to call to see if they could work me in to replace the temporary crown.  They said they would try to work me in at 10:00.

When I got there, the dentist who had started the work was at their other office and his father was the one to see me (very soon after I arrived).  He finished up with one patient while his assistant and I talked about my 50th class reunion.  Once the dentist came in, he said the permanent cap had arrived and that he could put that on this morning!  Yea!  I was glad to be able to just finish up with this unexpected visit.

We always have a fun visit and that was true today, too.  In fact I told them I had just figured how the bad guy in my murder mystery book (if I were ever to write one) would do his dastardly deed.  The problem is, I don't have much imagination and I don't know where to go from there.  Oh, well, it is more than I had before.  I guess I won't be writing fiction.

When I left there, the area he worked on was still very numb.  I went to the office and told Ron I was going home for a bit and would be back early afternoon, but he needed to run one errand, so while he was gone I got a bank deposit prepared and waited on a bunch of customers.  Once Ron returned I went to the bank, the drug store, and then home to get something to eat and to relax a little. I did spend a little time in the yard since I had not done so before work.

At 2:30 I returned to the office and he left on a job.  I hated to leave the house because the birds had been very active at the feeders, the birdbaths, and scattered in the trees.  One of the woodpeckers returned to their hole in the tree just outside my sewing room window, and I hope they will move back in soon.  I spotted a different bird on the birdbath and later in a tree.  I think it was a Lesser Goldfinch, but Ron saw it in the yard several times this evening and he thinks it is a little larger than that.  Hope he stays around and that I can get a photo tomorrow.  There were Great Kiskadees and Tufted Titmice, too.  Like I said, I would have liked to spend the afternoon at home.

Back at the office, I waited on more customers while Ron was out on jobs.  I also worked on bills and wrote a few checks.  There is always work to do in my office.  This evening we met Mom for supper at our usual spot and had a nice visit.  My mouth was finally free of the deadening from the dentist so I enjoyed my supper!

At home, Ron spent time in the yard while I fell asleep in my recliner as I was reading.  I have two books going at the moment and they are both good.  One is on Kindle so I take it with me and the other is a thick paperback so I usually read it at home.

At the dentist's office, I again took off my sound processor while he did some work on my teeth.  Later I put it back on and it wasn't too bad.  I think the drill if high-pitched enough that I can barely hear it anyway.

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