Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 26, 2014

A Headache Day!
August 26, 2014

This morning I woke with a bad headache before my alarm went off and decided to go ahead and get up.  The headache continued and I told Ron when he left for the office that I would be late.  Before I even opened the curtains in the sewing room, I could see the little blue budgie out in the yard with the sparrows. 

When I got to the office about 10:00, Ron asked if I had seen the text he sent me.  No.  He said that apparently there is a dead opossum in the warehouse and the smell is yucky.  He said in the text that I could stay home.  Bummer.  I missed the text.

There were a few things I needed to do, like make up a bank deposit and take it to the bank so I told him I would stay and do those chores and then go home.  My mom and sister stopped by before Mom took Janet to the airport to fly back to her home near DFW airport.  We had a nice chat and then I finished up the things that needed to be done.  About 1:00, I came home and had some lunch.  The headache got a little better.  I just relaxed for a while.

It is VERY rare for a headache to keep me home.  I have frequent mild headaches, but this one was worse than normal.  I took my blood pressure shortly after I got up when I realized how bad the headache was, but the blood pressure was normal - lower than it has been recently. 

About 3:00 I started sewing.  I was working on the log cabin blocks that I started at the office yesterday.  They are quick and easy - just a lot of cutting the mountain of scraps into strips the correct sizes.  I now have 6 blocks completed.  By now you know I love novelty print fabrics and scrap quilts.  So it is fun remembering the assorted scraps and the projects they were used in originally.

About 6:00 I went out and worked in the yard for about 30 minutes, cutting back a huge shrub and watering the hanging plants.  It didn't take too long for me to get hot.  It is hot and humid here!

Our quilt group had planned to meet tonight but the lady who picks up several of the ladies could not come this evening so we will put it off for a week and try next Tuesday night.

After supper I sewed some more, and cut a few more strips to get me started on some more blocks tomorrow.  Much of the day I left my sound processor off.  I did talk to our daughter-in-law in New Mexico and had a little trouble hearing her.  I hope tomorrow the headache is a memory of the past. 


  1. No fun battling headaches...have had on plus a stuffy nose for over a week. Allergies starting early I guess. I'm in Lubbock for two weeks...eye appt Thursday. It's cooler here so I'm loving that! Will pull out the sampler quilt and get to work today. Hope you feel better today.

    1. Tiny, I know what you mean. Could be allergies, but not sure. Stayed home today till noon with the headache, but am better right now. Got some cleaning done and brought a big box of UFOs to the office to work on. Wish we were sewing together.
