A Very Quiet Day
August 13, 2014
It was unusually quiet at the office today. There were numerous customers, but most just wanted a few copies of their keys and were in and out in a hurry. I was able to hear and understand all of them. I did the usual bookkeeping chores that need to be done at least once a day - balancing the cash drawer, restocking change in the drawer, and things like that.
Both of us were up a little earlier this morning, but I didn't go to the office until about 10:00 and then Ron left on some jobs. He was in and out briefly a few times during the rest of the day, coming back for supplies, etc. I cleaned out the area where we keep insurance policies and removed all out of date ones. Seems like I just did that (probably a year or two ago). Most of them were renewed last month so it was time to be sure the current ones were where they belonged.
So many of our customers have been trading with our business for most, if not all of their lives. We are in our 75th year as a business. The vast majority of our return customers tell us that they always come to us because they know we will get it right. We appreciate their loyalty and their compliments. There always seems to be one customer that no matter what you do, you can't make them happy. One of those came in today. I told Ron later that it is amazing what that can do to your disposition! He was out when the customer came in. She always thinks she knows more than we do and she knows a little more than some of our customers, but has just enough wrong information to make her very hard to deal with. She was only there about 10 minutes, but I was exhausted when she left and had the beginning of a headache. I am so glad the vast majority are pleasant to deal with.
In the afternoon, between customers, I cut out some quilt pieces and sewed a few together. I am trying to decide if I want to do much with this pattern. It is an old, traditional pattern, but has curves on all sides and takes more attention to detail that I enjoy. I will put a few more pieces together and then decide.
The pattern is called Apple Core.
As with many of my quilts, it will be a scrap quilt.
During the evening I read and napped. My allergies have been bothering me some and my medications for the allergies make me a little sleepy.
We never did get rain from those clouds, but I think that was probably good. Watching the news it seems the upper and mid-valley had high winds, some very small hail, and torrential downpours from those clouds. Last night up around Falcon Lake some areas got over 6 inches of rain in a few hours. We don't need that! The yardmen come tomorrow to mow the front yard and it is really needing to be mowed after Ron watered it and we got some rain. They did it last Thursday and by Sunday it was looking shaggy.
Most of this evening I have left my Cochlear sound processor off, so it is very quiet. I think the headache the lady gave me at the office is still there, so I am enjoying the peace and quiet. Ron is also reading after he spent time working in the yard after he got home.
Could you use the apple-core pattern as the center of another design?
ReplyDeleteI don't think that I want to use it for a center of a piece, but I will find something to do with it - someday.