Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10, 2014

Super Blessed Sunday
August 10, 2014

This morning we had a full house in Sunday School, which is more common in the winter when the Winter Texans are here, but we had 25 and I think there were only about 4 people on our roll who were absent and 2 of those were due to health issues.  We had a couple of visitors and they participated.  A very good lesson from my wonderful husband.

Our pastor and his wife are out of town to welcome a new grand baby in the Dallas area.  Our church school superintendent preached, Pastor Terry Roberts.  It was an outstanding sermon and one of those times I was so thankful that we had figured out how to use my personal device cable from my Cochlear Sound Processor to the transistor radio that the church uses for hearing impaired.  I heard Terry's sermon well and although he stepped on my toes (spiritually speaking) it was a very good sermon on why we are losing the younger generation in the churches across the country and around the world. 

The last few weeks, we have just not had time to "catch up" with Jeff and Barbara.  With Jeff's daily commutes to McAllen, his days are long and with Barbara being out of town to be with her dad recently, we have had time with the children, but not their parents.  We all decided to just go to their house for sandwiches for lunch.  I can hear so much better in a home than in a restaurant.  Today, they put all the kids in the family room with their lunches and a video and just the four adults sat at the dining table.  It was a perfect setting for my hearing. 
Their 7 children and a friend
There was so much to catch up on at lunch.  We talked about the upcoming wedding of our youngest son, Jeff's new job, Barb's trip to her dad's, the house hunting that they are doing, and then the everyday things with the kids.  We stayed longer than we intended since they had things to do to get ready for company later this week.  It was a wonderful visit!  Jeff and Barbara are such kind hosts, and outstanding parents.  They make it look so easy, but any parent knows it is not an easy job.

When we got home, I knew that I was getting very sleepy.  I think the yard work yesterday wore me out.  I sat in the recliner with my Kindle and camera.  I took a few bird photos, read a few pages, and slept for a few hours!  I would wake up about every hour and think, "I could get up.  No, I could just sleep."  So it was almost 9:00 when I got up. 

When I woke up, I remembered it was the night for a "super moon" and looked for my camera.  It was not where I had left it when I went to sleep.  It turned out Ron was outside trying to get some photos of the moon, but he had not used my camera enough to know some of the settings, so I reset it and got some nice photos.  It is amazing what all God has created for us in our sky. 
After some moon watching, I came in and at nearly 10:00 fixed a little supper for myself (Ron had already eaten) and called Bob and Vickey to chat.  Vickey's family is headed to their house to spend the week and I know Vickey and Bob are really looking forward to Vickey's mom's first visit to see them.  It was also a good time to wish them a Happy Anniversary which is Monday.  They will be celebrating 20 years!  It doesn't seem possible that it has been that long. 

Having slept the late afternoon and early evening away, I may never get to sleep tonight!  But, it has been a super day!

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