I Love 3-Day Weekends!
August 31, 2014
The only thing better than a three day weekend, is a four day weekend (and we don't get one of those until Thanksgiving)! I love having an extra day off from work. I enjoy the fact that even though I took a nap this afternoon and won't be able to go to sleep for hours yet, it doesn't matter. I can sleep late in the morning. Of course that means I will probably wake at 6:00 a.m. and not be able to go back to sleep.
The members of our Sunday school class have always been very faithful, but lately they have outdone themselves. Almost everyone who is physically able, was there today. It was a good lesson with a lot of discussion as we finished a series in Daniel. I realize that now I can hear the majority of Ron's lesson each week, but usually not the comments from the class members.
There was also a good attendance in church and we had a helpful message from the pastor and some testimonies before wrapping up with prayer time. It was a good service. There were several new faces and we welcomed a new member. During the service we had a nice rain at the church and apparently at our house, but not in the area in between the church and our house. We are so thankful for the rain. It has been a very dry summer.
After the service Ron and I came home and had chicken sandwiches for lunch before I got comfortable in the recliner with my Kindle and soon went to sleep. I enjoyed watching the birds during the afternoon and went out for a while to fill the bird feeders.
The quilt square is not complete, but this is the progress on it.
I spent much of the late afternoon and evening working on one of those "wild" quilt squares. I have the border all made now and just need to attach it to the square. Yesterday at the grocery store they had chicken breasts on sale and I bought several. This afternoon I cooked some of them to make chicken salad. I got them de-boned and chopped for the salad that I plan to prepare in the morning.
This evening I talked to our daughter-in-law in New Mexico. I had more trouble hearing her than usual - the call keep fading in and out. It could be our line which always messes up when it rains. In church I heard the message well, but not the music. The special music was a violinist. My husband loves violins and he asked me on the way home if I could hear it. I told him that once I plugged in the cable from the sound processor to the transistor radio I could sort of hear it but it was not the lovely sound he heard.
Remember that yesterday I posted a photo of this plant that I have had for years and it just bloomed for the first time yesterday? I am so glad I saw it and took a photo because today it was already discolored and wilted. It was so lovely.