Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries
July 8, 2014
There is an old song that Doris Day sang, Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries. If that is true, it must be sweet. I do love fresh cherries and wish we could get good ones all year around, but then maybe we wouldn't appreciate them as much if we had them all the time. Aren't a lot of things that way? But I will enjoy the cherries while they are in season and you can see by the photo, my bowl of cherries is almost empty. Yikes!
Yesterday there was not a blog. Not much went on and I wasn't up to sitting at the computer long enough to write the blog entry. Off and on my back will act up and it did that yesterday. It was hurting and that made it difficult to get up and down. Sitting for long periods of time can aggravate it. I went to the office at about the same time I have been (around 10:00) and then Ron said he was having to postpone the job he had planned because the wrong items were shipped, so I could go home if I wanted. I have a few things I needed to do so I told him I would stay a couple of hours. I ended up at the office until almost 4:00.
I stopped at Wal-mart on the way home and then after I got home and ate a little bit, I fell asleep in the recliner reading and slept until about 7:30. That was nice. Ron had supper with his mom Monday night instead of the usual Tuesday due to a conflict. I took care of the things in the yard after my nap.
At work both yesterday and today, customers continue to ask about my hearing and are so supportive. Every day we have customers who have never been in before, but we have others like one who came in today and said he had been coming for about 35 years. We are in our 75th year in business so he is a relative new comer.
Today Ron did that job that was postponed yesterday. He had been busy loading the needed items into his car when I got to the office. After he left, it was very quiet and I had been working at my desk. I heard a noise and looked at the monitor to see a man in the showroom. He was looking around and I went out to see what he wanted and realized Ron had turned off the door chimes as he had loaded the car and forgot to turn them back on. I really need those!!! I apologized for not hearing him and he said he had just arrived. I hope so.
I was trying to finish up the reports to send to the accountant. I was balancing the checkbook and when I thought I was finished, it didn't balance. I am pretty good with the math stuff and couldn't imagine why it was off. It turned out Ron had taken a check to a local company to pay a bill. Well, the local company deposited it to their account, but their out of town office showed it as an electronic transfer to their account. So that amount was deducted twice from our account!!! Thankfully it was not a huge check or I could have had problems. As it was, when he got back from the job he was on, I asked him to the local office and get it worked out. They said they hadn't gotten a check from us, (which had been hand delivered) and then he showed them their deposit stamp on the back of the check. They said, "Oops! Let us check on that and get back to you." This is someone we deal with often and have dealt with for MANY years, so I know they will correct the error, and make it right, but it sure caught my attention. Sloppy bookkeeping is their problem I think. I do try to stay on top of things.
Again, I left the office about 4:00 to come home and get ready for the quilting group. I stopped for gas on the way home and then took care of things in the yard before eating supper. The quilt group had 4 besides me here tonight. We had a good time catching up with each other. They each had things to work on except Mom and she went through some of my quilt magazines. I put together a couple of squares from the pattern that I taught to my granddaughters last week. Here is what I did in about 15 minutes. This pattern is so quick and easy.
Quick, easy, and fun! My kind of quilt block! I need things that don't require too much time. My time at the sewing machine is limited.
After quilting I talked to our daughter-in-law for a bit. She will be taking care of a little boy tomorrow while his older sister has surgery, so that both parents can be at the hospital. She is so happy to not be working out of the home now so that she is free to do things like that and help others.
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