A Good Tuesday
July 29, 2014
Today I woke up feeling better than I had for a while. As I told someone today, getting old is a challenge. I have no major problems, just some joint pain and the mornings seem to magnify those, but today was good. It is amazing how that can change your outlook on the day.
There was a little time to spend in the yard and I filled the birdbaths. My new flowerbed is not looking great. I think something has been eating on a couple of the plants. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Of course the plants may just be having heat strokes.
This hanging basket is blooming up a storms, but has little greenery on it. Any gardeners out there with suggestions?
Vines are trying to take over the fountain in the new flowerbed.
The next few afternoons I will be taking care of our five youngest grandchildren for a few hours. Our daughter-in-law will be going to Kansas, with her sister to check on their father who is undergoing cancer treatments and having a rough time with the treatments.
Today was another of those days where I gave away one of the coffee cups that we keep at the office that say, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 The lady I gave it to is a regular customer, coming in 4 or 5 times a year as purchasing agent. She is always pleasant to deal with and I always enjoy seeing her. As with many of our customers, we never really get to know them. We chat about a few generic subjects. She knows I went deaf, and it turned out that her sister had surgery with the same surgeon I had in Houston, so she always asks about my hearing. She also asks about Ron's health, knowing he has had some problems the last couple of years.
When she came in today something in our conversation about her children (who are older teens and young adults) made me think she had lost her husband. I asked and she said yes, and it turned out it was only about 6 weeks ago. We had never discussed her husband, only the children in a superficial way. Through tears she shared some of the things that had been going on. She told of how helpful co-workers had been. She talked about how she and the kids find things to bring happy memories and laughter as they recall their dad. Ron was there and I asked him to get me one of the cups and I gave it to her and told her that she and her children would be in my prayers.
I am so glad God prompted me to ask that specific question to clarify what she had said. I am glad God prompted me to go out and talk to her even though Ron was already waiting on her. I am thankful I could hear her tell me of the concerns she has and tell me about her husband. I asked to see a photo and she showed me several. We are all surrounded by hurting people. We just need to listen to God when He prompts us to do something. I love that even in my deafness, I can still hear God when He asks me to do something.
Thank you gift I received from the Mom-in-waiting, at Sunday's baby shower.
Thank you, Mandy!
The two plants I gave you, that you put in the new bed, apparently need lots of
ReplyDeletewater. I neglected mine for a few days and it sprawled out flat. Recovered with
a good soaking.
One looked wilted one day and since then I have watered them every day but the same one looks very spread out today and the other is looking OK. Something had eaten or broken 4 stems off the plant next to the droopy one. But very little in the bed looks real healthy.