Seeing Old Friends
July 6, 2014
Our Sunday morning started as usual with filling bird feeders, birdbaths, and ponds. It was a nice morning. Our Bible Study class went well. Next week starts our annual Vacation Bible School for the children and our class will be providing the meal for the workers next Sunday evening. We finalized plans for that.
In the worship service there were a variety of special reports and wonderful patriotic music. Since the patriotic music was done in the traditional style I was able to join in singing those wonderful songs. Our church youth minister spoke about the various activities going on with the young people this summer. A nice sized group just got back from church camp and all agreed it was the best ever. Several groups have been going out and sharing the gospel and young people are coming to know the Lord. The youth attendance on Wednesday evenings has been growing and they are excited about telling others about the Lord - not just talking about which fun games or trips are they going to have.
Sarah and Alan
Next a couple shared about the work they do with Christian radio stations. The young lady grew up in our church and her husband had come here many years ago to work on the local Christian radio station transmitter sites. An added treat was that Sarah's dad was able to be with them. Their family is greatly missed in our church.
Sarah with her dad, Harry Faulk
There were a lot of visitors in church this morning and it was good to see them all. After the service we stayed and visited for a long time before heading to Wendy's for burgers with Jeff's family and 3 extra children they had with them today.
Our two oldest granddaughters with their good friend Caroline.
The rest of the afternoon was quiet. I worked in the yard briefly and then spent a couple of hours cleaning my sewing room. Finally I sat down to do some sewing and spent several hours sewing on a couple of projects.
Late in the evening I had a short phone call with our oldest son. Hearing issues today were mostly crowd situations. If I am talking to one or two people in a fairly quiet setting I do fine, but in a room where many conversations are going on I seem to hear the ones I am not a part of better then the one I am trying to have. It was fun "hearing" everyone's excitement over our son's engagement.
Female Golden-fronted woodpecker
It was a good day. The birds were very active in the yard this afternoon providing me with lots of enjoyment.
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