Half of July is Gone!
July 15, 2014
What is going on? The days are flying by. I notice that as customers are filling out checks they often comment of being shocked at the way the days are flying by. There are so many things on our schedule in the next few days and weeks. We have a family gathering right around the corner. This is a gathering of us and our sons and their families. My mom has been invited to join us and will be with us part of the time and with another branch of the family for a celebration another part of the time. Then there is my 50th class reunion coming up soon. I am eager to see friends, but not eager to be in crowded rooms with a lot of chatter going on. The last day of the reunion weekend we go back to Houston for another visit to the audiologist.
In between those events there is a baby shower coming up for the son and daughter-in-law of a good friend. Our son and his wife continue to house hunt. I have projects to complete and I think I need a vacation! Oh, yes, the family gathering is supposed to be one. This evening I have been working on a sewing project. And have another one I would like to get done in the next few days.
This morning I went by to try to talk to my daughter-in-law's hair stylist, to see if she wanted to try to do my hair and find a way to keep the sound processor covered, but it was her day off and my day tomorrow is packed. I really need my hair cut! At the office I had some bookkeeping to do and then this afternoon I worked on a grocery shopping list for our family gathering. Tomorrow my granddaughters are going to be at the office with me for several hours in the middle of the day. I look forward to time with them.
At the office I did fine with the hearing, but on the phone with our oldest son this evening he had to repeat a lot of things for me. They had a major thunder and lightening storm last night and he got some awesome photos. I think I will use one for the wallpaper on my computer.
After work I came home while Ron went to have supper with his mother and then he did some shopping. I had supper and then worked in the yard for about 30 minutes. It wasn't too hot out there late in the afternoon, so I enjoyed working out there much more than when I did a little out there early this morning. Mornings here in the summer are hot and muggy.
As I have mentioned before, there are things I want to hear and things I don't want to hear, or at least I don't like what I hear sometimes. These days, the news here in the southern tip of Texas is not very good. As thousands of illegal aliens continue to flood across our border, the percentage of those coming who are looking to cause trouble is increasing. Gangs are coming in, kidnappings and fake kidnappings are popping up. I feel we need to stay alert to the news, but it is hard to listen to it sometimes. We need to be praying for our country.
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