Rain! Rain! Rain!
Thank You, God!
July 22 & 23, 2016
Early afternoon rain shower in part of our town
Friday morning I got up and moving a little earlier than usual. It still took me a while to get to the office. I spent most of the day on bookkeeping activities and bill paying. I plan to be out of the office Monday through Wednesday so I needed to take care of a variety of activities.
About 1:00, I went to pay the utility bill and pick up some lunch. There were a few sprinkles of rain as I left the office. About half way to the utility company the rain became heavy. The outside lanes of the road were flooded but by the time I got to the area where the utility company was, the rain had stopped. Since it had stopped, I was surprised that the road around the company were flooded. That is an area not far from our house that tends to flood in heavy rains.
Beautiful clouds after the rain
Before returning to the office I got lunch for us and when I got back, Ron and I ate lunch together. At the office, only the few sprinkles had fallen. The roads were dry and hot. I was thankful for the rain at the house, but many places around town were left without any and could really use it.
I love the almost neon, iridescent look
of the purple in the middle of this flower
It was 8:00 when I got home but still daylight so I cut the zinnias that were blooming and again picked about 100. The flowers themselves are getting larger and they were thriving on the watering we had been doing along with the afternoon rain.
After arranging 5 containers of flowers, I relaxed watching TV and reading. It was hard to believe it was really Friday. Yea!
Four of the five arrangements from Friday evening
Mother and baby chick Chachalaca
I believe this is a baby long billed thrasher
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