Saturday, July 2, 2016

July 1 & 2, 2016

Three Years of Sound
Brought to Me by My Cochlear Implant
July 1 & 2, 2016

Ron when they activated my Cochlear Implant and it worked perfectly!

Three years ago today, I had the Cochlear Implant activated so that I could hear, after 6 months of deafness.  It had been surgically implanted about 3 weeks before it was activated.  The above photo has to be one of my all time favorites of my husband.  This was when I responded to the audiologist so that she and Ron knew I could hear.
 This tiny little frog was on one of the zinnia leaves this morning.
I would have to say that the hardest thing for me to understand while I was deaf, was the way it impacted those around me.  I knew it put a heavy load on Ron when he had to take over so many of the things that I had always taken care of for us.  I knew the impact it had on me.  They could all still converse with one another, but I was often left out.

One day I commented to one of our daughters-in-law,  that it was so hard for the grandchildren to deal with it, especially the youngest ones.  She pointed out it was hard on the adult children also.  Some friends and family quickly adapted to finding ways to communicate, others did not adapt as quickly. 

There were so many challenges during that time and a lot of stress.  There are still challenges, but they get easier and easier.  In the beginning I was told that most progress would be in the first 2 years, but I have continued to see progress this past year, especially in the area of music.

Back to the current times.  Hot!  That is the main feature of July.  It is already living up to its reputation.  Today and yesterday were both very hot and humid.  My husband, who wears his hair very short, came in after working in the yard this afternoon and teasingly told me his hair was wet after working out there.  I had gone out to let mine dry a day or two before and it was wetter when I came in than when I went out. 

Friday at the office was the first of the month so I managed to get the statements ready for our charge customers.  I mailed them yesterday.  It is always a good feeling when I actually get them mailed on the first of the month. 

Ron was out for several hours on a job or two.  I stayed busy with customers while he was out.  He spent a good bit of his day working on restoring a couple of used safes.  We ate supper with my mom and then I took her to the grocery store and we both got our groceries.  Ron had already gone to his mom's by the time I got home.

Today I slept until about 9:30, did a few chores, went back to sleep and slept until 3:15.  During the evening I cooked some chicken to make some chicken salad.  I arranged the 65 zinnias I had cut this morning, into four lovely arrangements. 

The chachalaca family was strolling through the yard this afternoon as the parents showed off their new baby bird.
On such a hot day, the birds appreciated the water features in the yard.

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