Saturday, July 16, 2016

July 15 & 16, 2016

The Heat and I Don't Get Along
July 15 & 16, 2016

The girls picking zinnias

It is summer and it is hot!  Duh!  Thankfully I do not make my living working out in the heat.  I just can't take it for more that a short spell.   It has been very windy so in some ways it does not feel as hot but I can get overheated before I realize it. 
Middle granddaughter in the zinnia patch.
Friday I stayed home from the office and spent the day with the three middle grandchildren.  The girls and I picked flowers in the morning and then they arranged them.  We picked `about 105 and they had a great time selecting the ones to pick and the ones to go in the vases.  We ended up with 6 arrangements.  We gave one to their aunt when she picked up their brother for the afternoon.  The girls each took home their largest arrangement.  The two little arrangements and a middle sized one stayed here.
Container filled with water to put the 
flowers in outside as soon as they were cut
The oldest granddaughter started an allergy spell of a constantly running nose.  A dose of Benadryl solved the problem, but left her sleepy and she spent the afternoon curled up on the sofa, not actually going to sleep.  The other one spent the afternoon at the sewing machine working on her quilt that was started a few months ago.  She made good progress and it is looking great!
One resting
The day went quickly.  I needed to have the oldest girl and her brother who was staying with my mom, at the church by 4:00.  We  did that and came back home to wait for her brother to come home from their aunt's house.  Then I dropped those two off at the church at 5:45, then picked up my mom, and returned to the church for the closing service from Vacation Bible School. 
One sewing
After the service, there was a Family Fun Evening at the church with games and snacks.  We stayed for a while.  Our son and his wife and their youngest two and oldest, arrived for the service.  The youngest of the grandchildren, a 4 year old girl loved the new inflated challenge at the Family Fun time.
 She loved climbing this wall.
 After a while our son's family, Mom, and Ron and I went to Jason's Deli for a fun supper.  I had gotten over heated at the church and it was a while before I cooled down, but it was nice and cool in Jason's, so that helped.
One of our grandsons in the program in red shirt
After supper we transferred all the luggage to our son's car and I took Mom home and then headed to a quiet house.  I even went to bed a little early.
Supper at Jason's Deli was a delight
One note of interest at the church Friday night, there was a skit put on by some of the children and they were wearing mics and I could hear them with my radio tuned to the church station.  But when the youth pastor delivered the message, it was not being broadcast over that signal and I could not hear him.
Food was great, Family was spectacular!
Saturday morning, I slept until 9:00 and then had breakfast.  Following that I went to sleep until mid afternoon, woke for a little bit and went back to sleep until 6:00.  Obviously, I accomplished nothing for the day.  I filled the bird feeders right after breakfast so I could watch the birds, but I slept through their visits to the backyard.  There were dozens and dozens of sparrows that I saw at one point.
What a fun evening
This evening I have worked some on cleaning the sewing table.  If I can stay awake tomorrow afternoon I hope to sew.  The time with the grandchildren was wonderful.  They are growing up way too fast.
Our middle granddaughter has such an artistic eye.  
She would notice the extreme details of the flowers 
and the differences between them.  It was fun 
watching her spot and appreciate God's unique designs.


  1. Been in Clarendon since last Tuesday.....106-107 every day till yesterday after a rainstorm Friday night. Going back up there today...but low humidity!! Glad my friend Barbara has good a/c. Staying til Thursday, back to Lubbock through next week.

    1. Put a visit to me on your list of trips! Hope you are getting in good visits. The a/c is really getting a workout. I thank God we have it.
