It Is Friday, Again! Yippee!
April 8, 2016
Before leaving for the office, I went into the back yard and picked some of the miniature roses. They are lovely as always. There are several more buds about to open. It was a very nice day temperature wise. It was cloudy, but only scattered a few rain drops.
At the office, we usually give away calendars away during the holidays. I have just a few left. As I have given them out I have been giving them to customers I have made comments such as, "I know the year is 1/4 gone already, but would you like one of our calendars?" Across the board, all of the customers have said they can't believe it is already April.
Today, Ron says he woke me, but that I just grunted and turned over. He let me keep sleeping. I appreciate that, but it is startling when I wake up and he has left me sleeping. I have no recollection of him trying to wake me this morning. When I got to the office, Ron was very busy. I helped with the customers who were waiting. Then a little later, he left for a couple of hours on a job.
It slowed down as has become common for Fridays. The morning had several customers, but the afternoon was almost dead. Only two or three customers were in during the afternoon. One came in just as we were closing and wanted one of the Disney keys and spent a long time trying to decide which one.
Ron, Mom, my sisters, and I went to Jason's Deli for supper and enjoyed the food and the visiting. It was a good evening. From there, I went to the grocery store to get a few things I will need in the morning for a meal we are preparing at the church. Tomorrow will be a busy day.
My sister asked me at supper tonight why I wasn't using the Cochlear mini mic. I told her I was hearing everyone well. It was not noisy in the restaurant. They have just remodeled. I am not sure if that helped or not.
I did have a funny thing happen this afternoon. Ron said something to me and what I heard was, "Water your plants tonight." That did not make any sense. He had watered most of them last night. I asked him to repeat what he said. I heard the same thing. I could tell he was getting impatient with me and I had no idea why. It turned out he had asked a question, "What are your plans tonight?" Welcome to my world.
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