New Electric Lines Finished
April 13, 2016
This is the area where the utility work was done.
This morning I was up early. I preheated the oven while I took my shower. When I got out and dressed, I started baking the cookies I had mixed up last night. They were all done before too long and bagged for the workers from the utility company. I left them on the seat of the digging equipment since I had to leave early for a doctor's appointment.
Lots of equipment to do the job.
My appointment was for 9:00. When I arrived, the waiting room was packed. I asked the young man at the window if he would like to reschedule me and he said yes, he would. He gave me an appointment for 1:30 today. I headed to the office and worked on the papers to send to the accountant.
I love this color of the roses.
When it was time to go back to the doctor's office I was almost done with the things for the accountant, but had one more item to do. When I got to the office, there were a few people there, but I got in quickly and was seen much quicker than the last few times. The nurse practitioner changed a couple of prescriptions that were giving me side effects I did not like, and replaced them with medications that will probably give me a new set of side effects that I can see if I like any better.
The nurse practitioner used the Cochlear mini mic and it helped a lot. She talks fast and without it I would be at a loss. I still had to have her repeat some but it was for directions I didn't understand in most cases and not due to not hearing her. She does frustrate me a little. I think she is very quick to write prescriptions.
The zinnia seeds I planted Sunday are already coming up.
I picked up lunch on the way back to the office and split it with Ron when I got there. We stayed busy in the afternoon and he had to leave to check on the work at the house. I spent all the time waiting on customers. I did manage to get the papers ready for the accountant and have them in the mail. I will email him a copy tomorrow.
More zinnias coming up on the end of the rose flower bed.
On my way home from work I picked up the new prescriptions and went by Mom's but she and Debbie must have been out running around again - the car was gone. I came home and spent about 15 minutes in the yard checking on the work the men had done. They did leave a large bare area, but we can't see it from the house and it can't be seen from the street, so we won't worry about it. We will probably scatter some zinnia seeds or something like that in the area for now and worry about grass later.
Grape vines Ron finally got planted.
After I went into the house I read for a few minutes, and then went to sleep until midnight. Got up then and talked to our daughter-in-law in New Mexico. I had a snack and took my pills for the night and after reading a little more, went back to sleep.
Ron wants one of these for Christmas
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